Poll: Who is the best character out of the following?
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Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
27-04-2011, 08:01 PM
Post: #11
Tom RE: Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
That's a tough one. I like all 3 of them. To me, all 3 of them had aspects I like and didn't like. Overall though, I think Tom is my favorite. I feel like I haven't gotten to know Lucas enough yet (he hasn't stood out to me too much, but I still like him thus far). Adam is pretty cool, but sometimes I thought he went too far. I guess I like Tom the most because he was more human and believable to me. Don't get me wrong, I still like all 3 of them, but I like Tom the most.
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28-04-2011, 06:27 PM
Post: #12
RE: Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
The same, more or less happens to me, my favourite is Tom and I don't have a big reason for it, I just feel it that way, it may be because it was the first one and it's because of nostalgia; but I reckon the main reason is what HarryPearceSpy said before; I felt him more human and more close to me, I liked that he tried really hard to combine his work and his private life.

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28-04-2011, 09:35 PM
Post: #13
RE: Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
Maybe it's because I am currently doing a s2 rewatch but I went for Tom also. He does seem more believable and Adam is a bit too perfect for me. And Lucas somewhat tainted. Although if I was judging by looks it would be a whole different ball game Wink. Not that MM is hard on one's eyes either though I suppose... But as the non shallow person that I am obv, Tom just has this look in his eyes and you can understand him and see the pain even when he makes tough decisions. I loved both the Ellie and Christine storylines also which probs works in his favour.
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29-04-2011, 05:47 AM
Post: #14
RE: Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
Adam wins hands down. His character was the most interesting and well formed. His actions followed some form of logic. I also liked the way he challenged Harry whilst always maintaining respect and affection. Tom was bullish a lot of the time and Lucas for me was just insipid and laterly his character was poorly written. Adam held the team together the best, he was great with Ruth and I loved his entry to the show where he gained the trust of the team and also dealt with Tom. Sorry, but I've never got the Tome love, I always disliked his attitude to Harry.
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29-04-2011, 02:28 PM
Post: #15
RE: Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
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29-06-2011, 03:52 AM
Post: #16
RE: Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
Close race between Tom and Adam. I'm rewatching series 2 and it's amazing how the whole show got so dark over the years! Tom was a thinking-man's spy, but Adam was all action. I just found Lucas too wooden, and he never cracks jokes with his team like Adam and Tom would. I'm noticing that the team, really starting in series 4, routinely carry guns and there is the constant threat of being shot. If Zoe were still on the team, she'd have a breakdown every episode, at least until Ros ate her for lunch...
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29-06-2011, 01:41 PM
Post: #17
Adam RE: Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
Even Ros would find Zoe too chewey!
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04-07-2011, 09:15 PM
Post: #18
RE: Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
Lucas, then Tom, then Adam.
Lucas because he's the most interesting of the three in my opinion with his Russia background (I don't mean series 9 Lucas, because it was awfully done).
Also I started watching with series 7 so he's "my" Spooks hero and I relate to him the most, I like the way his character was built more.
But I like Tom almost as much, very deep character.
I liked Adam in series 3 and 4 but he annoys me so much in series 6 that he has to be last on my list. I also think we see too much of him, particularly in series 5 and 6. With Tom and Lucas, we see more of the other characters.
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31-08-2011, 09:12 PM
Post: #19
RE: Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
Tom, then Lucas, then Adam. I love them all and its really hard to chose. But I like the introspective quality that both Tom and Lucas have. Adam is a great guy, very cool and smart, but both Tom and Lucas feel a bit deeper and more realized. Love Lucas' vulnerability, but, ultimately, he's too unstable and Tom feels more in control.

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13-10-2011, 08:55 PM
Post: #20
RE: Tom vs Adam vs Lucas
Adam is my favorite, because he is the family man Smile
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