Extraordinary Rendition Part V
07-07-2011, 10:55 AM
Post: #1
Extraordinary Rendition Part V
Monday 6 June 2011, early evening
London “Me?” asked Ruth in surprise. Harry nodded and took a sip of his coffee. “Why?” Ruth was twisting her own cup in her hands but her eyes stayed on Harry, noting every shift in his expression. “Because you are the only one I trust implicitly,” he stated simply, holding her gaze. When she frowned in confusion, he explained, “I suspect we may have a leak.” Ruth absorbed this. “On what basis?” she asked. “Nothing concrete at the moment. Call it an uncomfortable feeling.” She scanned his face, but he was giving nothing away. Her mind automatically began to analyse his statement, and she reasoned aloud, “It can’t be Dimitri or Tariq. You trust them, don’t you?” Harry was silent for a long time, before saying pointedly, “I also trusted Lucas.” There was nothing she could say to that, except to feel a momentary resentment towards her former colleague. His actions had clearly caused Harry to question his ability to read people, something he had been so assured about for as long as she had known him. She felt the need to reassure him. “One mistake is not a pattern. And I suspect your response to Lucas was coloured by what he’d been through.” He laughed dismissively. “You didn’t make that mistake, though.” “Because I never knew Lucas – before Russia. I couldn’t tell the damage it had done to him, how it had changed him. You could, and you felt you owed him your trust as a result. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s why the rest of us strive so hard to repay you with our loyalty.” Smiling slightly, she added softly, “We want to be worthy of your trust.” Harry was touched. Her initial anger at him for not believing her about Lucas was still fresh in his mind. Apparently she had forgiven him for that, but there were still so many other things she could hold against him, he knew. “Be that as it may. I’m not willing to stake Malcolm’s freedom, or possibly even his life, on being wrong. So until I know otherwise, you are the only one I trust.” He watched her until she nodded assent, indicating that she would do the same. “Thank you, Ruth.” Harry smiled at her gratefully, observing her closely as he did so. She looked dead on her feet, and he added impulsively, “You look exhausted. Let me take you home.” The hesitant expression on his face, and her own fatigue, decided her. “Okay, thanks.” He couldn’t hide his surprise, or his subsequent delight, at her acceptance, and she followed him back to the car deep in thought. * * *
Beecher walked down to the basement of the embassy pondering what he should do. He entered a code into a heavy security door and it swung open to reveal a control room with screens monitoring the inside of a couple of holding cells. Each cell was equipped with a cot, toilet and small wash basin. He nodded at the man on duty and moved towards the monitor showing the room in which the MI5 man was being held. “What’s he been doing?” “Nothing interesting, except from using the crapper rather a lot.” They both stared at the monitor, on which Wynn-Jones could be seen lying prone on the narrow cot. Beecher studied the grainy image as though it could provide him with the answers to his many questions. After a while he turned to the other man. “Make sure he’s treated well. No-one lays a finger on him until I say so.” His companion frowned. “We won’t be able to fend off the Military Intelligence interrogators for much longer. They’re already screaming murder because we haven’t handed him over yet.” Beecher nodded. “Just for another day or so.” He turned and left the room before reaching for his phone and calling his deputy. “Jim, I want you to send all the Wynn-Jones material to my computer. I want to go through it again.” As he walked back to his office, his mind kept worrying at the problem. Harry Pearce should, after recent events, logically be hesitant to stick his head above the parapet when anyone on his team is accused of betrayal. He got the last one horribly wrong, after all. Why then was he so adamant that Wynn-Jones was innocent? Beecher was developing a bad feeling about the whole thing. * * *
Malcolm stared up at the featureless ceiling above him. He knew they were watching; he’d spotted the camera in the smoke detector as soon as he entered the room. It was an uncomfortable thought to know that someone was looking at him while he used the loo, and at first he had tried to hold out for as long as he could before doing so. However, the tension made him want to go often, and he soon figured out how to pee with his back to the camera. They had not mistreated him in any way, but no-one spoke to him either, and the silence was getting on his nerves. He tried to remember everything he could about interrogation techniques, and the more he remembered, the more he began to second-guess each and every development. Did Harry actually know that he was here, and was his former boss really working to prove his innocence? What if those had been lies told to lull him into a false sense of security? Perhaps the relatively good treatment he was receiving was part of the same ruse, and it would all end suddenly in brutal interrogation. These thoughts increased his agitation, and he forced himself to think about something else. The American apparently had the impression that he had aided Osama Bin Laden in some way. Whilst that thought scared the hell out of him, knowing what the Americans did to terrorists, it also intrigued him professionally. Did it mean that it had actually worked? What irony it would be if that were the case. The one time in his life that he had blatantly gone against Harry’s orders, and it could have landed him in this predicament. The trouble with this scenario was, unfortunately, that Harry would have no idea what he’d done. He wondered whether whoever had replaced him on the team was smart enough to figure it out. And for once in his life he fervently hoped that there was someone smarter than him in Section D, working on it. * * *
Tuesday 7 June 2011London, the Grid The moment he stepped through the doors, Harry pulled off his scarf and surveyed the Grid. Ruth, Tariq and Calum were already there. Reed’s presence surprised him in light of the man’s reluctance to get involved in Malcolm’s case. His gaze came to rest on Ruth and he gave her an imperceptible nod. “Tariq, Calum, my office.” The two techies trooped after Harry, and as soon as the door closed behind them, Ruth hurried to the tech room and started hunting among the many gadgets stacked on the shelves. It took only a few minutes to identify the ones she wanted. She pocketed them before making sure that their absence would not be apparent unless someone was actively looking for it. Then she walked back to her desk at a normal pace, catching Harry’s eye as she passed in front of his office. A few minutes later Tariq and Calum emerged. “What the hell was that about?” Calum grumbled. “He knows we haven’t been able to get into the CIA database – we told him that yesterday.” Tariq shrugged, having long ago given up any attempt to understand the mysterious workings of his boss’ head. Harry followed shortly afterwards. “Ruth, I need you to attend the JIC meeting with me. They want feedback on the new classification system for terror threats.” “Right.” Ruth started scurrying around to gather some files whilst Harry stood waiting, rocking from foot to foot impatiently. “Ruth,” he said in an exasperated tone, looking at his watch pointedly. “Coming!” She stuffed the files into her bag and grabbed her coat before following him out the door. Once the lift doors had closed, shielding them from prying eyes, he took her coat from her and held it out so that she could shrug it on, transferring her bag from hand to hand to do so. “Thanks,” she mumbled, glancing at him briefly before looking away again. He had a wistful expression on his face as he pondered how Ruth, despite being much more assertive since her exile, had kept some of her bumbling traits, and how he loved it when these came to the fore every once in a while. They were a reminder of a less complicated time, when so much still seemed possible between them. * * *
Same dayGrosvenor Square Beecher escorted them to a meeting room next to his office, making no attempt to hide his annoyance at their unannounced arrival. Harry and Ruth seated themselves around the table, staying quiet as Beecher snatched up the phone and ordered someone to bring them coffee. He didn’t ask whether they would prefer tea. “To what do I owe the dubious honour?” He turned to Harry, who did his best to look contrite. “I owe you an apology. My manner at our previous meeting was rude and uncalled for. It’s no excuse I know, but Malcolm is a good friend and I’m worried about him. I’m sorry, Alton.” The American relaxed a bit and was about to speak when a secretary brought in the coffee. Ruth used the distraction to make her move. “I saw a Ladies down the corridor; I’ll be right back.” Beecher nodded vaguely, his eyes focussed on the coffee. He knew that Ruth was an analyst and therefore did not expect her to attempt anything whilst out of his sight. Moving swiftly to Beecher’s office, Ruth fished the electronic key device from her coat pocket. She hurriedly plugged it into the card slot on the door, checking up and down the corridor to make sure that there were no eyewitnesses. It felt as though an eternity passed before the door clicked open. She slipped inside and softly pushed the door shut, then stood for a moment surveying the office. It didn’t look like there was a particular pattern to the stuff strewn over the desk; perhaps their unexpected arrival had left him no time to arrange the items so that any disturbance would immediately be apparent. Despite this she was careful not to move any of the objects as she stepped behind the desk and retrieved the hard drive copier from her other pocket. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she gingerly inserted it into the flash drive slot, almost expecting alarms to start screaming as she did so. Nothing happened and she began breathing again. So far so good. A glance at her watch told her that she’d been gone from the meeting for over five minutes. If she stayed away too long it would arouse Beecher’s suspicion, so she took a decision to only copy the last fifty documents he had accessed. She could only hope that he had recently looked at the documentation pertaining to Malcolm, but copying everything on his computer would simply take too long. The adrenalin rushing through her system increased with every second that passed, and when the computer beeped to indicate that the task was completed, she practically snatched the device out of it. After one more check that she had not disturbed anything, she eased open the door and peeked out cautiously. The corridor was deserted. Still, she stepped out confidently and closed the door firmly behind her, mindful of Harry’s instruction to look as though she was doing exactly what she was supposed to. Don’t hesitate, his voice repeated in her head. As she reached out a hand to open the meeting room door, a young man came strolling down the corridor, eyeing her curiously. She smiled at him and smoothly opened the door, stepping through. Harry barely glanced up as she entered, continuing with what he was saying without a hitch. Beecher gave her a more searching look before turning back to Harry. Ruth moved to the side table and made herself a cup of coffee. Her hands were steady as she carried it to the table, a fact she was rather proud of. By the time she tuned back in to the conversation, she realised that the CIA man had given up all pretence that they did not have Malcolm. “I’ll admit, Sir Harry, that your faith in your man has given me some pause, so much so that I went over the evidence again last night.” Ruth heaved an internal sigh of relief; this meant that she had definitely captured the relevant documents. Beecher continued, “And I’m sorry to say that it seems pretty incontrovertible to me.” Harry pursed his lips thoughtfully. “When you’ve been in this wretched business as long as I have, you learn that very few things are incontrovertible.” “Maybe,” Beecher conceded, “but I think you should prepare yourself for the fact that you may be wrong about him.” Concern etched deep into the lines of his face, Harry looked at Ruth, almost as if seeking reassurance that his faith in Malcolm was not misplaced. He found that reassurance in her resolute expression, in spades. “Will you give me a little more time to prove otherwise?” he asked Beecher resignedly. The other man nodded. “Another twenty four hours. After that I can’t promise anything. Once I hand him over to Military Intelligence I have no control over what happens to him.” * * *
Ruth waited until they were safely ensconced in the car before declaring triumphantly, “Got it.” In return she received a genuine smile from Harry. “I never doubted that you would. Let’s have a look.” He passed her a laptop and she inserted the device before scrolling quickly through the documents from Beecher’s computer. Harry stretched an arm along the back of the seat and leaned in close to read over her shoulder. His proximity, the solidness of him, and the warmth he radiated made Ruth’s heart rate speed up; the intensity of her physical reaction to him catching her off-guard. Thankfully Harry was too focussed on the screen to notice anything. All of this was soon forgotten as she scanned the documents with a growing sense of alarm. She could feel Harry tense next to her before he spoke almost involuntarily. “Oh, Malcolm, what have you done?” tbc ![]() |
07-07-2011, 11:48 AM
Post: #2
RE: Extraordinary Rendition Part V
Its great to see Ruth out in the field. And poor Malcolm. Hopefully the team will come thru. More please
![]() Thanks to TygerBright for the wonderful sig. |
07-07-2011, 05:17 PM
Post: #3
RE: Extraordinary Rendition Part V
Yes, Malcolm, what have you done? I can't wait to find out! I like that Beecher is a good guy - I quite fancy him.
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07-07-2011, 07:46 PM
Post: #4
RE: Extraordinary Rendition Part V
I wish I had time to review every chapter as it's definitely a great story again! From Harry's team management to Ruth on the field and Malcolm, I actually don't read your story, I can "see" it.
I'm really enjoying the plot and each update is a treat! Thank you for this and I'm looking forward to reading the next instalment. |
08-07-2011, 02:44 AM
Post: #5
RE: Extraordinary Rendition Part V
Lots of "uncomfortable feelings" from everyone across the board in this chapter. Not the least of which is mine for Malcolm. Whatever has Malcolm done!?! What little surveillance gizmo has he created this time? Must the Head Master write a note home to his parents - again?
![]() Uh-oh, Beecher. Never underestimate the brilliance of Ruth! That seemed a bit easy. He's wilier than that, surely? Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet [Spooks]; And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. ~Wm. Shakespeare, Hamlet |
08-07-2011, 06:57 AM
Post: #6
RE: Extraordinary Rendition Part V
Oh Malcolm, what have you done. This is getting better and better and I'm liking how Harry and Ruth are slowly getting a little closer!
08-07-2011, 06:20 PM
Post: #7
RE: Extraordinary Rendition Part V
Good chapter. Ruth is a game old bird isn't she?
![]() ![]() |
12-09-2011, 04:50 PM
Post: #8
RE: Extraordinary Rendition Part V
(08-07-2011 02:44 AM)A Cousin Wrote: Lots of "uncomfortable feelings" from everyone across the board in this chapter. Not the least of which is mine for Malcolm. Whatever has Malcolm done!?! What little surveillance gizmo has he created this time? Must the Head Master write a note home to his parents - again? LOL. As Ruth said to the professor in 401, "Don't worry. You won't be the last person to patronise me." Looking forward to reading more! |
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