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[spoiler] Adam Carter
20-07-2010, 03:02 AM
Post: #41
RE: [spoiler] Adam Carter
I was both angry and depressed that Adam died. Depressed because I really liked Adam's character and hated to see his life come to an end. Angry because he left Wes an orphan. In an earlier episode when Fiona asked Adam if they were selfish to have a child, I shouted, "hell, yes!". Your obligation as a parent is to see your children safely to adulthood. I don't care if you love the rush, it's time to get out of the business when the job has already taken one parent at a premature point in life. I wish he had taken "early retirement" and started a new life somewhere with Wes (maybe in Chile, with Zoe and Will!) It's great writing and great acting, though, that generated such strong feelings within me!
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21-07-2010, 04:18 PM
Post: #42
RE: [spoiler] Adam Carter
i think the same actualy the one thing fiona told him was to take care of wes, and he lost sight of that towards the end of s5 but he rememberd and that is what helped him get better (that and ros i believe) but he still took to many risks some yes were necesary but others like this were not! that said i do believe he believed he would get out of the car in time! .

adam was never going to grow old ros said that to harry!

i think that it is a fitting end to a charactor who had gone though so much ( I really like his breakdown storyline). but at the same time you are left wanting more

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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13-02-2011, 04:47 PM
Post: #43
RE: [spoiler] Adam Carter
I'd known about how he would die before watching the episode, but still it was terrible!!! I mean, a great way to leave, but he was one of my fav characters and seeing him leave was sadConfused An the scene with Wes was just heartbreaking! When Adam saw Ros and stopped I was screaming at my TV 'leave her you idiot and hurry up!'Vueltasss[/i]
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13-02-2011, 06:04 PM
Post: #44
RE: [spoiler] Adam Carter
I wanted him to speak to her lol but I love those to together. If only he had t done the swerves and also the seatbelt

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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13-02-2011, 06:48 PM
Post: #45
RE: [spoiler] Adam Carter
Ros and Adam tohether were okWink At least he wasn't moaning about Fiona. But a lot of You wrote about seatbelts. I think that even if he hadn't fastened it he would have been killed or seriously hurt. I mean, it took him maybe 2s to unfasten the seatbelt, but the explosion was huge! Suppose he didn't fasten the seatbelt he could still be burnt to dust (the fire was really big) or hit by a piece of the car like Juliet was in series 5Undecided[/align]
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13-02-2011, 08:25 PM
Post: #46
RE: [spoiler] Adam Carter
its all his fancy sliding on the grass that really makes me shout at the tv ;-) but its an outstanding explosion and adam was always going to die

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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14-02-2011, 02:14 PM
Post: #47
RE: [spoiler] Adam Carter
UnfortunatelyConfused And I also feel very sorry for Wes. I wonder what happened to himHuh
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14-02-2011, 02:23 PM
Post: #48
RE: [spoiler] Adam Carter
oh id love to know what happeend to wes, i do have a feeling that harry kept in touch! i mean i think he spent more time with him that we saw

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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26-04-2011, 07:09 PM
Post: #49
RE: [spoiler] Adam Carter
Honestly think I took it harder than Harry, Connie, Ros, Jo and Malcolm did all put together. I probably found it worse than Wes did.

I think he knew as soon as he hung up the phone that he would die, but from the first minute of Adam's screen appearance you know he's not the kind of guy who would've left that car in a crowded place to save himself. Even Harry telling Adam to ditch the car was out of character - but you could tell how much Harry liked Adam and how important he was to MI5.

At least he got a hero's death and not some betrayal of his country bollocks. It would've been totally out of character.
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26-04-2011, 08:38 PM
Post: #50
RE: [spoiler] Adam Carter
from the moment i saw adam i knew he wasnt going to just die of old age! but it is wes i feel sorry for!

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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