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[SPOILERS] Episode 8
17-11-2009, 08:05 AM (This post was last modified: 17-11-2009 08:05 AM by Adam Carter.)
Post: #11
RE: [SPOILERS] Episode 8
I honestly think it's one of the greatest episodes of Spooks. The mounting tension throughout left me pretty breathless by the end. And seeing Harry working in the field for the first time was so memorable.

[Image: action-adam.jpg]
Thanks Tyger!
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17-11-2009, 02:34 PM
Post: #12
RE: [SPOILERS] Episode 8
(17-11-2009 08:05 AM)Adam Carter Wrote:  I honestly think it's one of the greatest episodes of Spooks. The mounting tension throughout left me pretty breathless by the end. And seeing Harry working in the field for the first time was so memorable.

Yep, I agree, terrific episode -- trying to figure out what side Ros was really on, the relationship between Ros/Adam, Harry in the field, Jo figuring out the code, Malcolm swooping in at the last minute to plant the computer worm, Juliet on two working legs. Lots of surprises, lots of tension, excellent directing and acting and a brill script.

"What is the truth?"
"Betrayal is a cancer. Let it eat your soul, not mine."
"Please tell me this isn't going where I think it's going."
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11-08-2010, 11:02 AM
Post: #13
RE: [SPOILERS] Episode 8
i adore this ep! i watched it again yesterday,

i think that ros always wanted to tell someone epecialy after the events of the ep before with the circut boards getting away!

i think that she felt it was the right thing to do, both she and harry in particular share the same opinions as Yalta whether its right or wrong who knows!

i think that Harry had respect for ros no matter how angry and hurt he was with her for comming back to the grid the way she did and lets admit it took balls for her to do that!

adam and hte chair, and harrys shouting in her ear left me with chills! as did the scene with adam and the needle at ros's neck eeekkk!

i think that harry understood she really was on his side, that she had provided information that had helped section D but yes she had given away vital information, and he cares for all his officers and didnt want to see her die the way she did.

i think ros spends the rest of her time making this up to harry more than enyone else and its a mark to harry that he dosent mention it to her again!

i agree i dont think adam could have coped with losing ros i adore the scene with them in the field! and of course the church scene where she cant quite bare to let him go! and for a change its adam pushing her away!

love this ep!

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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