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Sig & Av Guidelines
29-07-2009, 01:19 PM (This post was last modified: 13-05-2010 01:13 PM by JHyde.)
Post: #1
zzExclamation Sig & Av Guidelines
Here are some guidelines for your avatars and signatures. Violation of these guidelines could result in a ban.


1. Sigs can only contain one image (not including smilies).
2. Sig images must be no larger than 500x100.
3. Sigs must not contain any links (unless approved by an admin).
4. Font size in sigs must be reasonable, (mods will decide what is reasonable).
5. There must be no nudity or adult content in sigs.


1. Avs must not contain adult or nude content.
2. Avs are not allowed to flash.
3. Avs must not contain the words "admin", "mod", "staff" or similar.
4. Must be no larger than 100x100px. (If you are having trouble with the size of a picture you want to use, try this site here.)

There guidelines are subject to change at any time, please make yourself aware of changes to these guidelines.


- Spooks Forum Staff

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