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[spoilers] Nicola Walker
27-11-2010, 11:59 AM
Post: #81
RE: [spoilers] Nicola Walker
Thanks for sharing that! Smile

(Funnily enough some of those answers are like mine. For example the last meal, irresistible food, not wanting to eat breakfast, worst kitchen disaster at Christmas two years ago... (My oven blew up with the turkey in it and we had to make do...) Tongue)

I laughed.

And i totally agree. I would have cried in that line too... then i would have complained about them not having any 'proper' food in their canteen.

Nice find Silktie! Big Grin

Codename Kirayuki: Vid Maker. H/R & Ruth fan.
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27-11-2010, 04:44 PM
Post: #82
RE: [spoilers] Nicola Walker
Kidneys and liver...ew.

re: The food on the tour. LOLOLOL!!!!! I have seen some pretty crappy hospitality on tours too, both as an actor and a Company Manager. Nice to know that's universal. Backstage hospitality is one of the first things to go when a production contract is being negotiated. The houses that do provide good hospitality are very much appreciated.

Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet [Spooks];
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

~Wm. Shakespeare, Hamlet
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08-12-2010, 11:15 PM
Post: #83
RE: [spoilers] Nicola Walker
Sorry to be a bit slow in the up-take here, but I just found out that the Law and Order UK episode NW appeared on was 4.1: ID and aired on 4 November. I am a bit confused to know if it ran in the UK or in Canada or both? Different listings give me different info. Did anyone see it?

Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet [Spooks];
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

~Wm. Shakespeare, Hamlet
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08-12-2010, 11:40 PM
Post: #84
RE: [spoilers] Nicola Walker
(08-12-2010 11:15 PM)A Cousin Wrote:  Sorry to be a bit slow in the up-take here, but I just found out that the Law and Order UK episode NW appeared on was 4.1: ID and aired on 4 November. I am a bit confused to know if it ran in the UK or in Canada or both? Different listings give me different info. Did anyone see it?

I'm pretty sure I read a post on the SF that it had shown already in Canada. I'm sure it was Tyme4t, but I can't find that post anywhere. Perhaps I am going mad and dreamt it. It certainly has not aired in the UK though. I'm a bit confused about this because I saw them filming only a few weeks back in London. Wish Spooks made that many episodes!

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09-12-2010, 04:37 AM
Post: #85
RE: [spoilers] Nicola Walker
Now I love NW, but that food is seriously gross.

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10-12-2010, 03:40 PM
Post: #86
RE: [spoilers] Nicola Walker
The play NW is currently in got some nice reviews, including some for the lady herself:

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13-12-2010, 07:08 PM
Post: #87
RE: [spoilers] Nicola Walker
That's great to hear, good for NW Smile

There's a cast interview video on the National Theatre web. NW features a few seconds at the beginning, but it's worth taking a look.

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30-12-2010, 12:15 PM (This post was last modified: 30-12-2010 12:18 PM by Tea Lady.)
Post: #88
RE: [spoilers] Nicola Walker
Note:You may not want to read if you haven't been to see Seasons Greetings yet.

I went to see Seasons Greetings again last night (thanks Jackdaw) at the National. My thoughts about the show are that it is very good, but certainly not the best thing I have ever seen. I would perhaps give it 6 or 7 out of ten. The set is wonderful and was basically a house, cut through the middle, so you can see into all the different rooms. The stars of the show really are Catherine Tate and Mark Gatiss.

My problem with the show is that it takes a long time to get going, especially for a comedy. You don't really have a "belly" laugh until about 45minutes into it. Don't get me wrong, it's very funny from then on, but for the first part of the show you do feel a little lost in the story and have to concentrate. If I have to really make an effort to concentrate on something then the story is perhaps not as interesting as it should be.

Anyway, about NW, her part was not very big. In fact she spent a lot of time on stage in a darkened living room or bedroom, being depressed about her love life, which is non existant. She was playing a 38yr old spinster who has never had a boyfriend. She invited a "friend" to stay over at Christmas, but this Clive chap, shows more interest in her sister played by Tate. NW plays her part well, but I don't think it was a real test for her. I am sure she has had better and more powerful scenes in Spooks. I know it was a comedy, but I would like to have seen her tested a bit more on stage. Don't get me wrong, she played the part she had well, it perhaps wasn't the best part to show off her wonderful acting abilities.

As for meeting NW last night.....Not a very exciting story but here goes...
I decided to be brave and wait for her outside the stage door. I hate doing these things as fear it will go horribly wrong and I will be ignored or something. Anyway the reports from other fans were that she was very nice but came out of the show very quickly at the end. Mr TL was up for it as well, so as soon as the show finished we dashed over to the stage door.

There were about 15 people waiting. I quickly established that they seemed to be waiting for Tate or Gatiss so thought my luck was in. Then after about 5 minutes, NW dashed out with Neil Stuke. She looked in a flap and one girl dashed forward and asked for a photo. NW obliged but then laughing said that she was sorry, but couldn't hang around as she was waiting for friends and would have to go back into the National to see if they were waiting for her at the bar. I thought my chance had gone as she started to make her way back indoors. Anyway, then the friends suddenly appeared and they all hugged and giggled. There were about 5 of them. I think they were NOGs actually and they gave NW a big bar of chocolate as a gift which NW started eating immediately Wink

Anyway, I was stuck now, thinking what do I do? Do I interrupt? Mr TL was pushing me forward saying, you will just have to interrupt, they don't look like they are going anywhere. This is why I hate doing this, as I always fret about what is the proper thing to do! So I waited about 5 minutes and when it didn't seem like she would leave the NOG's I just lent over and said, "Excuse me, but you wouldn't have time for just a quick photo." NW said yes, shoving more chocolate into her mouth and turned round towards Mr TL. NW then said, "Oooh, you've got an iphone. They are so good."

As NW then turned back towards her NOGs, I said, "Brilliant, thanks very much for that." Thinking that was the end of it. NW then turned back to me and said, "No, that's fine. Thank you, really." Big Grin Big Grin

I thought that last bit was so so nice of her. She was thanking me for thanking her. All those stories you hear of her being really nice and approachable are true from what I experienced last night. She seemed totally genuine. I would love to have asked her a few questions, but didn't want to take her from her NOG's who she obviously knew.

Here's the photo. I have removed my face. I really do have eyes, nose, and lips Wink The full version is on my facebook page, which some of you have already viewed.

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30-12-2010, 04:15 PM
Post: #89
RE: [spoilers] Nicola Walker
Thanks for sharing, TL. You are so lucky and NW seems so lovely!!

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30-12-2010, 04:21 PM
Post: #90
RE: [spoilers] Nicola Walker
That's brilliant! Very jealous right now. Thanks for the feedback.

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