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Spooky Holidays
26-12-2009, 03:37 PM
Post: #271
RE: Spooky Holidays
Happy Boxing Day! As a joke my brother and I would refuse to remove the boxes from the presents until Boxing Day when we were both at home still.

Always love your country, but never trust your government.
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26-12-2009, 03:39 PM
Post: #272
RE: Spooky Holidays
That's scarily easy to imagine.

How are you mate? We missed you - did the kids have a good time? Did Santa bring you anything cool?

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Many thanks to Tyger for a terrific signature
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26-12-2009, 03:48 PM
Post: #273
RE: Spooky Holidays
I'm still not sure if my mom fell for it or if she was being nice.

The kids had a blast. I don't remember Santa buying so much stuff. It look like much until you..I mean the elves...start wrapping it. I also had to explain to my daughter that Santa employees union labor in the wrapping department when she saw what a crappy job I..I mean the elves...did wrapping some of her presents. Alex (almost 3) is enjoying his Big Wheel a lot. It rained, so he didn't get to ride it outside, so he's been driving us all crazy.

No presents for me. Santa is good to me all year.

How about you? How was work?

I'll still be off and on most of the weekend. Headed out to Orlando to Ikea shortly.

Always love your country, but never trust your government.
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26-12-2009, 04:26 PM
Post: #274
RE: Spooky Holidays
Is my family the only one that argues at Christmas? Haha, it's like tradition Tongue We get along fine the rest of thr year..
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26-12-2009, 06:04 PM
Post: #275
RE: Spooky Holidays
LOL - I guess that's an international tradition.. the only time of the year when you think you can enjoy a bit of peace and rest and not keep schedules.. and then there's arguments over what time you should have lunch, and who gets to sit in the back of the car, and what to do with the wrapping paper, and what time to have dinner, and why it is necessary to get up at 8am... I love them dearly the rest of the year too Wink
In a way I'm glad it's all over tomorrow. I'm longing for my daily stressful but largely improvised routine. And people who understand my obsession with football, and Spooks.

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27-12-2009, 03:13 AM
Post: #276
RE: Spooky Holidays
Haha yeah I am glad I am not alone Tongue My family had arguments yesterday ranging from whether the colour of the napkins were violet or mauve to the death penalty and politics lol, oh dear! ( I have to admit to getting a little irritable during the heated political debate lol, but being the only Labour supporter in a family of staunch conservative, who can blame me Tongue)

I also took an instant dislike to my cousin's new girlfriend when she said Richard Armitage had an ugly nose! I mean that is sacrilegious!! Tongue
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27-12-2009, 03:16 AM
Post: #277
RE: Spooky Holidays
I can see that last one causing a real problem!

I talked about family arguments early on in this seemed at the time that my family was the only one who has them.

Truthfully, I didn't even see my family until today (it's now the 27th here). With work and trying to catch up on sleep, I've hardly seen anyone.

Still haven't seen all of Doctor Who yet.....grrrr.......

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27-12-2009, 03:20 AM
Post: #278
RE: Spooky Holidays
I was a bit let down by Doctor Who this year although it was marred by my auntie talking through it non stop about her health problems Undecided I kept on giving her pointed glares and turning up the volume but she just took that as an invitation to talk louder. Haha I am still annoyed now just thinking about it...
Next year I am hoping to get away during Christmas if I can lol.. I know its a family occasion and everything but it seriously does my head in Tongue
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27-12-2009, 03:23 AM
Post: #279
RE: Spooky Holidays
I think more people would be happier if they went away at Christmas. If my best mate goes to Oxford next September, I may well spend Christmas with her in England and take my first overseas trip!

TRADITION seems to just cow everyone at this time of year. There's nothing wrong with changing things and making your own, new tricks.

[Image: colleagues.png]
Many thanks to Tyger for a terrific signature
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27-12-2009, 03:28 AM
Post: #280
RE: Spooky Holidays
Haha yes you should Big GrinBig Grin
I think I may go skiing with my friend next year, not that I have ever skiied before in my life... I just like the idea of a cute little snowsuit ensemble and sitting by the fire in a long cabin ( Rolleyes lol) . He is doing one of those gap year things where you spend the year teaching children to ski Big Grin

Its my new years resolution to travel out of europe by next year so maybe I could do that Big Grin
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