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[spoilers] Ruth
29-10-2010, 07:46 PM
Post: #271
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
(29-10-2010 07:14 PM)Naivety Wrote:  
(29-10-2010 01:24 PM)A Cousin Wrote:  I have been thinking about the moment in 9.6 when she bursts into the meeting room just after Harry insists to Beecher that Tariq stay on the grid. Her response to Harry's point-blank asking how Tariq is seems hesitant. Clearly she can't answer him directly, but I would think that she'd be able to improvise a bit better than she did in that moment? Esp. because she improvises so well after Towers shuffles Beecher out. She just seemed a bit squirrelly in 9.6.

I thought that her hesitation over the question about Tariq was a very clever way of prompting Harry to get rid of Towers and Beecher as fast as possible. It was her facial expression that Harry was reading, not her words. She couldn't say everything was fine because that would have prolonged the meeting, and she certainly wouldn't have wanted to let on that the grid was being compromised. Because they know each other so well they were able to communicate without actually saying anything.

That was exactly my thinking as well. Smile

Personally i think she was right to spy on Lucas. I mean she has seen him lurking around (which no-one else really has) so she has probably had her suspicions and his actions since then have been focused on more than usual because of it. She probably tapped the keyboard after noticing his odd behavior in the last few episodes, and when she decided she wanted to say something realised she'd need some sort of proof.

Codename Kirayuki: Vid Maker. H/R & Ruth fan.
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01-11-2010, 10:31 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2010 10:31 PM by Who Needs Bond.)
Post: #272
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I have a bad feeling about this...

Series s9 Spoiler: show
I hate to say it, but Ruth's part in tonight's episode had the feeling of a character's swan song to me...
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01-11-2010, 10:32 PM
Post: #273
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I hate to agree with you but... it does look like she's breaking down a bit, not as strong as she tries to make out to Harry and everyone else. I really hope that she doesn't end up burning out Sad Not good.

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01-11-2010, 10:48 PM
Post: #274
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I think she is breaking down, but on the inside. We need her to breakdown on the outside though, so she can let all this pain out. She isn't really that strong. Not that strong to shoot someone three or four times like that. It was overkill.

IMO, Ruth has lost the ability to feel anything and this showed through tonight, when Harry was trying to talk to her about the letter, when Deary/Dreary was talking to her about his past, when she was at the flat. A little bit of that came out at the hospital but the shields went back up again when Harry appeared. Ruth won't let anyone in. Harry most of all. She never even asked him why he was at the hospital that early looking like he hadn't slept in his own bed.

I want Ruth to break down, just so she can start to heal.

Oooooh, hated the scene when she was burning her hands with the iron. I had to look away.

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02-11-2010, 12:20 AM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2010 12:23 AM by Kirayuki.)
Post: #275
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I wish she would break down too for the same reasons. I'd really like to see it. She needs some relief. She's gone through so much recently...

Today though i think we saw the start of it. The adrenaline rush, the eye of the storm moment... and then inevitably follows a collapse or a complete mental catastrophy. I seriously hope we dont get the latter. She's been beaten pretty hard... (Planted as a mole, being cleared, seeing her colleagues leave or die one after another, being set up, faking death, leaving country and Harry, George, Nico, Mani, Work, Ros, and now Lucas...)

Oh dear Ruth i don't think you can take much more. Sad Confused

Codename Kirayuki: Vid Maker. H/R & Ruth fan.
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02-11-2010, 01:17 AM
Post: #276
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I just watched the scene again where Harry gives Ruth the letter. I got the impression that was the first letter/photo she'd had from Nico since he left. I just wonder whether George's family thought they would use Nico as a kind of tool, perhaps to make Ruth feel guilty, so she would sign the papers they had sent her, and not try and block the house sale. Perhaps Ruth knew that and it made it even more upsetting.

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02-11-2010, 07:18 AM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2010 07:20 AM by JHyde.)
Post: #277
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I cannot believe how many of you think that Ruth is on the way out mentally after last night! And that she has lost her feeling!

She went and saw Deery to make sure he was OK. If that isn't compassion....

I would have shot the guy several times too, especially in the heat of the moment and adrenaline and all that.

And I think that shooting the guy might cause some sleeping problems for her but fundamentally what she said to Harry makes sense.

You can't go through everything that Ruth has been and still be the same person. But I love who she is now. She said that she hates that she doesn't feel more now, but I beg to differ. She is still out there comforting everyone at a second's notice and distressed that she was 'cruel' to a guy who seemed to be wasting her time. Ruth is still kind to her core.

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02-11-2010, 07:33 AM
Post: #278
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I just want to see Ruth smile again, especially at Harry
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02-11-2010, 08:19 AM
Post: #279
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I thought it was poignant that she can't cry in emotional moments, but when she was being smacked around the face by that big bloke, she was sobbing her heart out.

I agree that she is essentially still the same compassionate woman, but when you look back at the early series, she was often smiling and seemed to love life. She and Harry used to share little smiles sometimes, and speak with obvious chemistry. We never see that any more which is such a shame. She is going through some type of emotional breakdown, I think, and I hope they script in a release in the next episode. Otherwise it is going to fester all through the next series as well.
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02-11-2010, 03:08 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2010 03:10 PM by A Cousin.)
Post: #280
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
(02-11-2010 07:18 AM)JHyde Wrote:  You can't go through everything that Ruth has been and still be the same person. But I love who she is now. She said that she hates that she doesn't feel more now, but I beg to differ. She is still out there comforting everyone at a second's notice and distressed that she was 'cruel' to a guy who seemed to be wasting her time. Ruth is still kind to her core.

I love what they are exploring through her character this series. I don't think she has changed fundamentally either: even back in the EERIE episode, she said her job is her life. I also still see that core of her basic humanity in there for all the reasons JHyde mentions, but I don't think that she believes it anymore. There is quite a dichotomy to her character playing out. She is like a wolf gnawing off her own leg rather than letting someone close enough to help her out of the trap.

I had my doubts and question about her, but they are playing out in a way I am not sure I expected. I knew she grieved for her lost life, but I am not sure I understood the extent of it. Part of me thinks she doesn't think she is worth the air she breathes, but if that were the case, why would she fight so hard to live? Once again, dichotomy.

I too would have blown the dudes head off many times over, but I am not Ruth. For Ruth, it seemed as much a release as self preservation.*snap!* Maybe it was a release of self preservation? She was f***in' brilliant in the field, once again, but at what price? It was a very hard scene to watch, not so much because of the brutality, but because of her reactions. One of the things I love about NW as an actor is that she not afraid to look like hell and be completely unsympathetic.

Loved loved loved her last speech to Harry. If I felt sorry for Ruth before, I am howling with her now. Her words to Harry about being so strong and solid and dead inside is spoken with such contempt for herself. If she can still feel that I guess there is still hope for her.

Edited to say - sorry this is such a rambling post. I am still trying to process it all!

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