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[spoilers] Ruth
02-11-2010, 05:33 PM
Post: #281
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I'm with JHyde and A Cousin too. I think Ruth shooting the guy full of holes was release of her pent-up rage, rage she has been holding inside ever since her idyllic life in Cyprus collapsed. I think that in this episode, she moved closer to being more like Harry, in a sense. Harry has always been able to live comfortably with killing people who deserved it, but at the same time fights so very hard to save the innocent. Hopefully, in time, Ruth will realise that her being fine with killing that bad guy is not an indication that she is totally dead inside, and that Harry's ability to deal with being responsible for the deaths of people like George is also not an indication that he is dead inside.

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02-11-2010, 06:07 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2010 06:08 PM by Beatriz.)
Post: #282
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
haha nooo, it's not a rambling post at all!!

It was a terrific episode for Ruth's character. I am also enjoying this series for this inside of Ruth. I also think that she's not dead inside, people react differently to different situations, that doesn't mean that you're death inside. The writers did a wonderful thing comparing Ruth to Deery and she doing the same thing through out the episode. I reckon she's a bit numb about what happened to her, but she can still feel; I agree she needs to cry and let out all the feelings that are inside her, all her anger and sadness...

Her words to Harry were so heartbreaking, one thought that it's just popped on my mind: maybe she's trying to be the old Ruth, but that's imposible, lots of things happened and those made her change, she has to accept it and get over it. She's stronger than before but she's unable to see that... This may be just me and some random thoughts...

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt"
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03-11-2010, 05:57 AM
Post: #283
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I forgot to mention how much I loved that first scene between Ruth and Council Snooper guy. NW was fantastic in that scene, you could just see her thinking C-R-A-Z-E-E!!!

Made me laugh out loud.

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03-11-2010, 08:39 AM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2010 08:43 AM by JHyde.)
Post: #284
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
While I was watching, I was equal parts distraught for her and smiling almost outwardly at once again how great her character development has been this season.

Whatever issues I have with season 9, Ruth has been treated with great respect as a character this season. It has been worth watching if only for that.

It reminds me a lot of season 6 in some respects, that Jo's growth and Connie's introduction were what most of the season had going for it after Adam and Ros' stories were botched. Ruth's scene with the gun reminded me a lot of the moments in 6.2 when Jo really becomes a field officer. When she tells Adam to go and then fights her way out of the corner, after delivering that classic line about Adam being cold thanks to his public school education. Ruth was similarly in a corner that SHE fights her way out of. It's not as pretty as what Ros or Adam might have managed and Deery helped a bit, but by the time the team stormed the building she had it under control.

I simply do not understand how there are still fan ficcers writing her as a victim and others who call her weak.

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03-11-2010, 09:04 AM
Post: #285
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
Agreed on all counts. I really enjoyed Ruth's journey this season. Ruth did tremendously well in that fight, since she is not a field officer and thus not as well trained in hand-to-hand combat as the others. That fight was a lot more messy and seemingly less choreographed than those we get with the field agents, which is good.

It would be a shame if they developed her character like this, only
Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
for her to leave or die in the season finale. Let me hasten to add I don't expect that to happen.
She is finally becoming Harry's equal in almost all respects, as now she even has blood on her hands literally too. That creates fascinating possibilities to explore that relationship in future, let's hope they don't waste it! And no, I don't mean that only in a romantic way, but especially in their professional relationship.

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08-11-2010, 11:05 AM
Post: #286
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I'm really looking forward to how Ruth develops tonight. I don't think it's really possible that this sort of situation wont phase her. She's much more alive than she feels she is.

Codename Kirayuki: Vid Maker. H/R & Ruth fan.
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08-11-2010, 11:43 AM
Post: #287
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
Yeah, I hope you're right. There will hopefully be some pay-off for the journey Ruth has been on this season. I'm very much looking forward to
Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
the Ruth/Lucas scenes once Lucas has kidnapped Ruth. I'm sure she will be trying her utmost to talk herself out of the situation, to persuade Lucas to let her go. I'm very interested to hear what arguments she will use to do so, as I think it will say a lot about her state of mind.

I'm half expecting her to see herself in Lucas/John a little bit, so it's going to be very interesting, methinks.

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08-11-2010, 06:33 PM
Post: #288
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
(08-11-2010 11:05 AM)Kirayuki Wrote:  I'm really looking forward to how Ruth develops tonight. I don't think it's really possible that this sort of situation wont phase her. She's much more alive than she feels she is.

Agreed. If she can recognise Mr Deely's pain and try to reach out to him alongside feeling disgust for her own perceived "deadness" then she isn't infact dead inside at all. What she is now, IMO, is stronger at squashing down her feelings, which she seems to have been doing since George's death. The fact she refuses to deal with her emotions by pushing Harry away and generally putting up the walls (including to herself) does not mean she is dead inside. She is afraid of those feelings, but I think the shooting has triggered the healing process. First comes denial, then anger, then etc etc

Very interesting to see if she can move through to the final stage - and jump into Harry's armsWink
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10-11-2010, 02:37 PM
Post: #289
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
I know this has been mention on other threads, but Ruth's tears at the end of 9.8, I thought they were for Lucas. The camera show Tariq and Ruth listening in on the L/H conversation. Then it shows Beth, Dimitri and Alec at the train station also listening in doesn't it? I just assumed that Harry would be on comms for this meeting, and that Ruth is crying because Lucas is dead (Ruth always believed in the best of people).

Lucas 8.4: It's all about trust, isn't Harry ?.
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10-11-2010, 03:35 PM
Post: #290
RE: [spoilers] Ruth
Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
I didn't think they had Comms for that meeting. I thought Ruth crying was because she supposed Harry dead when the bomb didn't go off. I gather they were all rather confused about the fact that it didn't detonate.

Ruth's character in the last episode was brilliant as ever. I was more than pleased. She played the situation brilliantly!

Codename Kirayuki: Vid Maker. H/R & Ruth fan.
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