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Any other Vegetarians out there?
22-12-2009, 04:20 PM
Post: #21
RE: Any other Vegetarians out there?
Yeah, buying local produce is a big thing.

It is an excellent doco that I would also recommend.

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22-12-2009, 04:23 PM
Post: #22
RE: Any other Vegetarians out there?
(22-12-2009 03:34 PM)Nitrus Wrote:  Surely it is better to use more of the animal, for food, clothing etc rather than wasting some of what it offers?

I could never give up meat, I depend on it too much, I love red meat too much to give it up.

Personally I feel that many vegetarians are hypocrites, they'll be all high and mighty about how they don't eat meat or fish, because it's cruel to the animals, but won't think twice about munching on some Haribo or having some gravy. It's that mentality that I hate, if you're going to be a vegatarian/vegan and preach to others, don't be a hypocrite.

That's why I can't stand most ethical activists, trying to fight the "system", when in reality they all have bank accounts and claim benefits.

Bit of a generalization there Nitrus?

Im a veggie, I don't preach to anyone, I cook meat for my family but I won't eat it. I don't eat gelatin or meat containing gravy either, all meat I buy is free range from local known sources and I have not knowingly consumed anything other than free range eggs for years. That is my choice, I do not try to impose it on anyone else but in no way am I or any other veggie I know "hypocrites" bit offended by that.Undecided

/rant Smile
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22-12-2009, 11:22 PM
Post: #23
RE: Any other Vegetarians out there?
(22-12-2009 01:22 PM)JHyde Wrote:  I know YourFutureMuse is a vego, so she might join us soon.

Haha here I am Big Grin

I am pleased there are so many veggies on here Tongue

I have been vegetarian since I went through an animal rights phase when I was 13 haha Tongue Now the thought of eating meat freaks me out a bit Confused

I don't wear leather and I also don't preach at people though Smile Although I do love to ask one of my friends how he is enjoying his decomposing flesh when he forces me to go to McDonalds with him TongueTongue

I do feel really rude when I go round people's houses and I can't eat what they've cooked or when they have made something special for me :'). I am an awful vegetarian though cos I hate mushrooms and aubergines which I find are the two things most common in veggie food haha.
I don't think my diet is that different to before I was veg though lol long live Quorn!!!

That is all I think haha I do tend to go on a bit Wink
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22-12-2009, 11:40 PM
Post: #24
RE: Any other Vegetarians out there?
(22-12-2009 03:34 PM)Nitrus Wrote:  Personally I feel that many vegetarians are hypocrites, they'll be all high and mighty about how they don't eat meat or fish, because it's cruel to the animals, but won't think twice about munching on some Haribo or having some gravy. It's that mentality that I hate, if you're going to be a vegatarian/vegan and preach to others, don't be a hypocrite.

That's why I can't stand most ethical activists, trying to fight the "system", when in reality they all have bank accounts and claim benefits.

/rant Smile

I never have anything with gelatine or egg in it, and am careful about that. I never preach to others and just started this to see if there are other folks out there who also are interested in this. I am open that I am not on this road for animal rights or welfare, but my own self interest. I feel it's a healthier diet for me, physically and mentally, but if you or anyone else would like to have 6 BigMacs a day, then that's fine by me. Big Grin I do however know a small group of vegans in my area who I find are very intense and get on my nerves....

JHyde Wrote:It is hard when you're on a strict family or student budget. It depends where you live. It is easier in a good climate here to get good cheap fruits and vegies and that helps a lot. But you do need to be organised.
I live in the UK which I find is pretty good for this. I started being a veggie to save money when on a student grant. Me and 2 friends lived on a vsmall amount of money a week just buying veggies; we did spend the rest on drink tho; so not too healthy!!! I am v unorganised, but I have about 5 staple recipes that I rotate, and build others in when I remember to a)soak those damn beans/lentils b)buy tofu and marinate it !!

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22-12-2009, 11:55 PM
Post: #25
RE: Any other Vegetarians out there?
Haloumi cheese is also pretty great Smile

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23-12-2009, 12:45 AM (This post was last modified: 23-12-2009 01:36 AM by TygerBright.)
Post: #26
RE: Any other Vegetarians out there?
almost any cheese is great.. and out of respect for the cows giving us the milk to make it I don't eat them Smile
I'm not a vegetarian although I rarely eat meat, mainly for health reasons tho, and because I love my veggies just too much. But a nice green Thai curry with a bit of chicken or the odd roast turkey.. yum.
I have quite a few vegetarian friends and love swapping recipes with them, there is so much you can do with with veggies, and herbs, and spices. Although I balk at tofu. And I LOVE Brussels sprouts Big Grin
Oh, and no fish please. Childhood trauma Wink

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23-12-2009, 01:26 AM
Post: #27
RE: Any other Vegetarians out there?
(23-12-2009 12:45 AM)TygerBright Wrote:  Oh, and no fish please. Childhood trauma Wink

Did your parents make you watch Jaws one time too many as a child? Tongue

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23-12-2009, 01:41 AM
Post: #28
RE: Any other Vegetarians out there?
don't I wish...eating fish then would have been revenge.
nah, we had to have fried herring at least 4 times a month, and if I didn't clean my plate I was sent to the cellar, to eat with the mice and other unwanted members of the household. Not to resurface until the last piece was gone. Alas, unlike Cinderella's pigeons, the mice didn't help me any..I suspect they were vegetarians Big Grin

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23-12-2009, 01:44 AM
Post: #29
RE: Any other Vegetarians out there?
I'd say that was trauma. I can't say that I've ever tried herring. That might make me not want to eat fish too.

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23-12-2009, 02:06 AM
Post: #30
RE: Any other Vegetarians out there?
strangely enough my parents, centuries later, still don't understand why I don't eat the scaly critters. The rest of the family is "normal" Big Grin
Thankfully there won't be any fish for Christmas Smile

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