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Episode 8 Discussion
30-12-2009, 01:00 AM
Post: #111
RE: Episode 8 Discussion
It annoys me that I can't find any sense in that finding nemo comment... Silly man! Yet another reason for him to be hated Tongue
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30-12-2009, 01:12 AM (This post was last modified: 30-12-2009 01:13 AM by TygerBright.)
Post: #112
RE: Episode 8 Discussion
(30-12-2009 12:58 AM)Kirayuki Wrote:  Maybe they're hinting at the fact he might be in the field more often. (Also silly as he's so good with computers it would be a waste to loose him on the field. Just look at what happened to Colin... in fact don't, it depresses me. Sad)

I do believe that their numbers are that low though. It's getting riddiculous.

I'm only just getting into season 6, not having seen 1-5 yet Smile so Colin references are pretty much lost on me... I guess he didn't make it tho Wink

Anyroad, using Tariq in the field is more than ridiculous as nothing points to the fact that he's a) had field training and b) is of any use out there. What was he gonna do, shout "Stop or I'll hijack your mobile??! "...
Then again, nothing points to any fact about Tariq.. we need more background (tho I'd be surprised if he was a "proper" spook)
I guess they just wanted to give him some more screen time ...

as for the depleted ranks - using your geek in the wilderness is a bit like playing your academy side in the FA Cup.. either you don't care or you want your boss to know that you're down to bare bones.
More staff please in season 9!!!!!

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30-12-2009, 05:03 AM
Post: #113
RE: Episode 8 Discussion
(30-12-2009 01:00 AM)YourFutureMuse Wrote:  It annoys me that I can't find any sense in that finding nemo comment... Silly man! Yet another reason for him to be hated Tongue

Finding Nemo = lost fish = lost submarine.

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30-12-2009, 08:32 AM
Post: #114
RE: Episode 8 Discussion
Aha! Lwhite53, I think you've solved the puzzle. I'm de-lurking just to thank you!

Also, why is it that the CIA chief was the most authentic sounding American so far on Spooks? I hope he didn't survive the blast, though.
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30-12-2009, 11:56 AM
Post: #115
RE: Episode 8 Discussion
I didn't think Price's accent was authentic at all. But onya for delurking!

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30-12-2009, 12:03 PM
Post: #116
RE: Episode 8 Discussion
of course it could also refer to Captain Nemo and his subsmarine the Nautillus :-D
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30-12-2009, 01:07 PM
Post: #117
RE: Episode 8 Discussion
Yay the mystery has been solved Big Grin and it was so simple Blush Thank you lwhite53!!
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30-12-2009, 05:56 PM
Post: #118
RE: Episode 8 Discussion
(30-12-2009 08:32 AM)odyssey45 Wrote:  Aha! Lwhite53, I think you've solved the puzzle. I'm de-lurking just to thank you!

Also, why is it that the CIA chief was the most authentic sounding American so far on Spooks? I hope he didn't survive the blast, though.

Aah, brought you out into the open -- welcome odyssey45.

Actually, I wasn't too enamored of Price's accent either, JHyde. The best American accent in s8, by far, was Walker's.

(Talked to a Brit friend who works in theater about the accent thing -- she thinks it may be a Brit actor's union issue re not hiring American actors.)

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"Betrayal is a cancer. Let it eat your soul, not mine."
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30-12-2009, 05:57 PM
Post: #119
RE: Episode 8 Discussion
I agree, Walker's was the most impressive.

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30-12-2009, 06:26 PM
Post: #120
RE: Episode 8 Discussion
I preferred Walkers too, but there may have been a bit of bias in that he's the only American I liked in this series...

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