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[spoilers] Richard Armitage
24-03-2010, 12:36 AM
Post: #231
RE: Richard Armitage
(23-03-2010 02:59 PM)Nitrus Wrote:  Awww I thought SB was airing in April dammit!

I take it you've all seen the trailer? What did you think?

I've seen it, it looks like a slick production, I'm looking forward to seeing it. I'm always a little skeptical of war dramas though because of ones in the past that have a western propaganda feel to them. Hopefully this one will be a bit more sophisticated.

Fantragic fun -
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24-03-2010, 12:52 AM (This post was last modified: 24-03-2010 12:55 AM by TygerBright.)
Post: #232
RE: Richard Armitage
at least it looks way slicker than the books reads/sounds.. but it's "an adaptation of Chris Ryan's novel"... apparently quite a few changes...
detailed info on cast and all eps in the press release

oh, and I'm equally impatiently looking forward to seeing Alexander Siddig again.. another wonderfully gifted (and hot) actor.

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24-03-2010, 12:35 PM
Post: #233
RE: Richard Armitage
(22-03-2010 11:11 PM)LucasNorthFan Wrote:  40 minutes of RA's voice....*sigh*

(21-03-2010 06:09 PM)kirmostar Wrote:  OMG did you hear him sing in Clarissa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thud

At the first notes I doubted (shame on me Blush) it was him, but then there's no way I could not recognize that voice. Wow!

The end, he sounds like a child who lost his precious little bird and a man who lost his love. His characters are never utterly bad or utterly good, this man is really talented HeartHeart

I have both eps in my cellphone to hear it over and over again, only you should be ready to face the consequences in you do it, let's say in the bus in your way home: you won't be able to take out the silly grin from your face and won't be much longer until you let out a sigh or two... which would lead to people directing you amused looks.

LNF Blush

ARGH! I was so busy on Sunday, I missed Clarissa! Thcussing

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24-03-2010, 05:28 PM
Post: #234
RE: Richard Armitage
you have another 3 days to listen to it (I've almost memorized it by now .. all except THE song Big Grin)

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24-03-2010, 08:18 PM
Post: #235
RE: Richard Armitage
I love Chris Ryan's books but RA playing the main guy makes the book suddenly become my favourite!

His voice I love, I think it has something to do with the northern lilt that becomes more/less pronouced depending on his character. I love it when it appears in spooks.
Therefore although I generally find that although I hate adverts I don't change channel if one of his comes on, I seem to find the same with the O2 adverts (Sean Bean) but then again it must be the northern lilt, I love it!

Smile Smile

LUCAS:They told me I could come home if I spied for them
HARRY:What did you say?
LUCAS:I said yes
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24-03-2010, 08:24 PM
Post: #236
RE: Richard Armitage
Funny, I was just watching a bit of Sharpe last night and couldn't help thinking that the two do get likened for a reason. RA would have made a great Sharpe!!!
I'm not normally a fan of (modern) military literature and never got into Chris Ryan's novel (actually, I dropped the audio book half through chapter 4 since the TV script has quite a few changes and I'll try and regard it as a "semi-original" script).. Still, may can't come fast enough.

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24-03-2010, 08:31 PM
Post: #237
RE: Richard Armitage
I too love Sharpe and I could only picture Sean Bean as Sharpe as I read the books.

I like Chris Ryan's book because I love action books and they do tend to have a lot of action strangely enough. What interests me as well thought is that parts are obviously influenced by his own experiences and it makes me realise that stuff like this does happen although obviously not as elaborated.

RA would have made a great Sharpe, although Sean Bean is brilliant at the role, and he wonders why he is type cast!

(Sorry to people for deviating onto Sean Bean, wasn't intentional)

LUCAS:They told me I could come home if I spied for them
HARRY:What did you say?
LUCAS:I said yes
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24-03-2010, 08:43 PM
Post: #238
RE: Richard Armitage
I've noticed the similarities between Sean Bean and Richard Armitage's voices too Tongue
(They're both very lovely, but I still prefer RA Big Grin)

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24-03-2010, 08:43 PM
Post: #239
RE: Richard Armitage
well let's hope RA doesn't get type-cast as (reluctant) SAS hero..
I'm wondering how the two would be together in a film.. I was actually watching Sharpe thinking how RA would play him.. while there are similarities between him and Sean Bean, I think RA's acting is .. dunno, more subtle and multi-faceted. Might be wrong though and not have seen enough Sean Bean Big Grin
have been meaning to blog on some roles I'd love to see him play.. Sharpe being one. Others being Captain Ahab, Athos, Vicomte de Valmont in Dangerous Liaisons (oh he'd be wicked.. bit like Lovelace Big Grin)... will elaborate and illustrate in my lair later this week Big Grin

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24-03-2010, 09:13 PM
Post: #240
RE: Richard Armitage
Smile Interesting. I agree with you that RA has a more diverse actors toolbox so hopefully he won't be typecast and looking at what he has played before, including period dramas, modern and action, I don't think it will.
Whereas Sean Bean (however much I love him) is generally a bully in his characters, whoever he plays the background is always similar.

LUCAS:They told me I could come home if I spied for them
HARRY:What did you say?
LUCAS:I said yes
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