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[spoilers] Richard Armitage
22-04-2010, 09:09 AM
Post: #291
RE: Richard Armitage
Ooooh, I'm in the UK in July / August - woohoo! Well, it's not as if he'll do theatre in Singapore is it? Thanks silverbirch for the heads up!
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22-04-2010, 08:52 PM
Post: #292
RE: Richard Armitage
Well I have complained so much that my Dad has now said if I get amazing results (ie all A's) in my exams he will get us Sky however 1) that is too late as strikeback will be finished and 2) there's no way I'm getting all A's

On the upside no-one has rejected to me buying the DVD so far plus I've just watched the trailer and it looks soo soo good

LUCAS:They told me I could come home if I spied for them
HARRY:What did you say?
LUCAS:I said yes
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22-04-2010, 09:31 PM
Post: #293
RE: Richard Armitage
If you are over 18 and have access to a credit/debit card you can download skyplayer ( and watch it on sky1 online. They ask for a months subscription at a time, roughly £15, which is the possible cost of the DVD which comes out in June. Another viewing option for you to think about.

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It's the realisation that I make a negligible difference
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22-04-2010, 10:04 PM
Post: #294
RE: Richard Armitage
Thank you Smile
I shall now bring that up subtly in conversation!

LUCAS:They told me I could come home if I spied for them
HARRY:What did you say?
LUCAS:I said yes
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27-04-2010, 05:01 PM
Post: #295
RE: Richard Armitage
Ooops, think I am a newbie on this thread, but spotted an article on Times Online some of you guys may be interested in, about RA. Sorry if this has been posted already:

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27-04-2010, 06:18 PM
Post: #296
RE: Richard Armitage
(27-04-2010 05:01 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  Ooops, think I am a newbie on this thread, but spotted an article on Times Online some of you guys may be interested in, about RA. Sorry if this has been posted already:

Thank you for that article. It seems as though he is still not used to his fame status and that he is still somewhat down to earth. Smile
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27-04-2010, 06:26 PM
Post: #297
RE: Richard Armitage
Thanks for the link TL Big Grin
It was strange to read that he used to want to have a nose job lol given that he has one of the most gorgeous noses I have ever set eyes on Tongue

And yeah he always seems so modest and down to earth.. makes him even more bloody gorgeous hahaha
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28-04-2010, 01:48 PM
Post: #298
RE: Richard Armitage
Thanks, Tea lady ! You know what us RA fans are like, we what to know everything about him. Can't believe you haven't been on this thread before, maybe we can convert you Wink

Lucas 8.4: It's all about trust, isn't Harry ?.
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28-04-2010, 03:31 PM
Post: #299
RE: Richard Armitage
(28-04-2010 01:48 PM)HellsBells Wrote:  Thanks, Tea lady ! You know what us RA fans are like, we what to know everything about him. Can't believe you haven't been on this thread before, maybe we can convert you Wink

Well I did read that he may do some theatre later on in the year, which if he does, I will try and get to see him and I will be watching Strike Back (is that what it's called?) so who knows.....Angel

*dashes back to PF thread feeling guilty*

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28-04-2010, 04:02 PM
Post: #300
RE: Richard Armitage
Oooh yes, me too, I can't wait to see if the stage production does happen. And Strike back is next week, I must set the Sky+ box tonight.... Must remember not to forget that one!Cool

Lucas North: Your situation is more precarious than you realize, Connie, so stop pressing buttons and give us something.
Connie James: Threats don't work with a person who has nothing to lose.
Lucas North: Oh, you're too ingenious to think that I'm threatening you. I'm offering you a simple choice: help us or don't. I'll leave you to compute the implication.Cool
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