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Exams/Revision Whinging
15-06-2010, 11:02 AM
Post: #81
RE: Exams/Revision Whinging
I have my first exam on the 18th, then on the 24th, and two essays due on the 21st (which we haven't been given the question to, yet). I do not recommend studying economics at university to anyone... I wish someone had told me what uni was like before I chose my degree.
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15-06-2010, 04:48 PM
Post: #82
RE: Exams/Revision Whinging
I'm so happy mine are over now (last one today Big Grin Vueltasss Yahoo ) but unfortunately I had to go back into school yesterday and we're doing the bridge to A2, basically where we either start part of the A2 syllabus, or do presentations. Yesterday my mind exploded with all the dates they gave me Confused But still, not long until the holidays now!

Good luck everyone who still has exams!

DANNY - Placements all over the shop. Back up vehicles, chopper support if we need it. Bomb disposal with a signal jammer for Mary’s trademark remote control blasts. And Tom here’s doing the catering. Mate. You are so covered.
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15-06-2010, 05:23 PM
Post: #83
RE: Exams/Revision Whinging
Yay congratulations almh! Big Grin (Trying to hide my bitter jealousy here!)

I will be so happy when mine are over, they are seriously screwing up my life atm Tongue

I even had a dream about Stalin last night Confused He rang me up on my mobile and asked my advice about the Cold War haha but then I asked him whether he really was behind Kirov's assasination and he hung up on me! Vueltasss it was strange I have no idea what my subconscious is playing at haha
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16-06-2010, 07:24 PM
Post: #84
RE: Exams/Revision Whinging
(15-06-2010 11:02 AM)rbs89 Wrote:  I have my first exam on the 18th, then on the 24th, and two essays due on the 21st (which we haven't been given the question to, yet). I do not recommend studying economics at university to anyone... I wish someone had told me what uni was like before I chose my degree.

actually considering economics haha is it that bad?

only cos I wana be a rich ass city banker.. Oh no I am behind my times

no more exams for me yay so I shd be on the forum more too. (please please stifle your groans!)
Did NOT like my chem exam think I shall drop it next yah Tongue

Death by mascara. It was horrible to watch. Ruth's agonizing over the fact that there are no more horses in modern-day warfare and Adam's on a course learning how to lift his knuckles off the ground. So, you'll have to make do with me, I'm afraid.
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16-06-2010, 09:29 PM
Post: #85
RE: Exams/Revision Whinging
Survived my bio and history exam, not sure I performed well I got horribly stressed out haha it was awful, I am usually a laid back kinda gal but I was having proper panic attacks and at 5 in the morning my mum had to confiscate my textbook to stop me ferevishly reading it haha...
Next one is next Fri, bio again Sad and then Geog on Tues and then I am done!

Now I can start panicking about results day Confused
I have already accepted I haven't got the grades to get into my first choice and I need AAB for my second - not likely HA.
If I don't get in I don't think I'll bother with uni at all. Is that stupid of me? I want to join the police but my friends laugh at me when I tell them! Meanies haha Tongue
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24-06-2010, 08:03 AM
Post: #86
RE: Exams/Revision Whinging
finished with exams. yay!

now worrying about marks. not so fun, as my last exam was impossible.

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24-06-2010, 01:34 PM
Post: #87
RE: Exams/Revision Whinging

I would be celebrating that I'm finished, but I started back at school yesterday Sad

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24-06-2010, 01:36 PM
Post: #88
RE: Exams/Revision Whinging
Aww Tongue Make sure you go on lots of open days then Tongue I did that last year, even ones I had no intention of going to, just cos it meant a day off school and usually some shopping thrown in Tongue

Not that I am finished yet Sad But on Tuesday when I am I intend to be in a constant state of drunk for at least a week, have a sober break until which it's my 18th bday! goodbye liver hahaha
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24-06-2010, 02:15 PM
Post: #89
RE: Exams/Revision Whinging
I'm booked on to the Open Days for all 9 unis in the UK that I'm considering Tongue

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24-06-2010, 08:11 PM
Post: #90
RE: Exams/Revision Whinging
I think I only went to one Open Day and it wasn't the uni I ended up getting into, either. I was convinced I had completely stuffed up my final exams and went as an afterthought, after finishing work for the day.
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