Poll: Harry and Ruth - hot or not?
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[spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
13-02-2010, 09:39 PM
Post: #61
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
I agree with Beatriz that bringing back Ruth and then ignoring everything that had passed between them would be even sillier.

It's not enough to go against something just because everyone else seems to love it. And I say that as someone with a contrary streak. If I can draw a comparison, it would be silly of me to stop drinking coffee or liking a certain band just because everyone suddenly seemed to dig them as well.

I also take exception to the idea that once a couple gets together everything from that point on is happily ever after. I'm not terribly experienced, but my impression is that relationships are plenty of hard work and miserable rubbish between the good bits that make it worthwhile.

Also, why is watching a relationship between two spooks automatically not good entertainment? As long as it's part of a bigger storyline, it can be a great parallel subplot. The crux of the show has always been how one manages a 'normal life' in the midst of daily deception. What could possibly be more relevant?

And most importantly, as had been pointed out already, these two people are not in the flush of youth or first love. I love the fact that they're an older couple and not flashy, Hollywood types. This is hardly a relationship of the usual rubbish calibre.

I was still a fan of the show after NW left, and I loved Harry before and after Ruth. But I think these characters bring out the best in each other and that can only be good for the show. If they don't mess us around much longer.

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14-02-2010, 12:13 AM
Post: #62
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
I agree with Beatriz and JHyde absolutely. As a HR fan I enjoy the quiet exploration of feelings between two older, intelligent and principled characters. They will never be the A plot, but as a subplot they can work. We have had Tom/Ellie, Tom/Christine, Adam/Fiona, Adam/Ros and Lucas/Sarah so surely HR can be explored further.

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14-02-2010, 12:17 AM
Post: #63
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
I second everything you say JHyde.

Spooks is a show about spies. If Harry and Ruth get together they will still be spies. The show will not suddently turn into some fluff fanfic story. Why was it ok to have Adam, Fiona, and Wes all together as a family looking for houses and picking colours for Wes's bedroom, but not for the older couple in the series? Also I dont think there are thousands upon thousands of R/H obsessed fans out there. There are a lot though who admire Harry as a character and what he has been through over the years and want him to have some happiness before its too late. Thats not being obsessed; and quite frankly if we were not all a little obsessed with Spooks and some of the characters in the series, then what on earth are we doing on a Spooks Forum every day?

Sorry, was not going to write anything other than the first line as feared it would turn into a rant...oops, too late !

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14-02-2010, 01:14 AM (This post was last modified: 14-02-2010 01:15 AM by lwhite53.)
Post: #64
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
Yep, I have to agree with you all, too. Doesn't make logical internal sense to bring Ruth's character back and not resolve the "almost" relationship with Harry. This sub-plot has to be dealt with, one way or another -- half of season 5 was about them, it can't just disappear. I also agree with those who have said that the H/R relationship is not anything like the other relationships we've seen during the course of the show. The writers need to collectively grow a set and get on with it!

Edit: Just thought of something -- have there been any female writers for spooks?

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14-02-2010, 02:29 AM
Post: #65
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
I have to agree with you, they just have to get H & R back together
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14-02-2010, 03:33 PM
Post: #66
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
(13-02-2010 09:39 PM)JHyde Wrote:  It's not enough to go against something just because everyone else seems to love it. And I say that as someone with a contrary streak. If I can draw a comparison, it would be silly of me to stop drinking coffee or liking a certain band just because everyone suddenly seemed to dig them as well.

Also, why is watching a relationship between two spooks automatically not good entertainment? As long as it's part of a bigger storyline, it can be a great parallel subplot. The crux of the show has always been how one manages a 'normal life' in the midst of daily deception. What could possibly be more relevant?

Good points, these. I can appreciate, though, that it gets tiresome for non-believers when others go on about the relationship, but that is why we have this-here thread to do our gushing and agonising on, and try to keep it to a minimum on the rest of the threads.

And it is true that many of the supporters of the relationship do so because they love the Harry character dearly, and would love to see him get some flashes of happiness, not necessarily a non-ending stream of it.

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14-02-2010, 03:48 PM
Post: #67
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
Yeah, I do understand that too. But this is a forum, so hype is understandable and goes with the territory, I'm guessing.

I love Harry and I love Ruth as individuals, and I love what they can bring out in each other.

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14-02-2010, 03:54 PM
Post: #68
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
I like that too JHyde, but it feels like Ruth's character is just about HR, there doesn't seem to be anything about her individually as a character anymore. That's what gets me about her return.

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14-02-2010, 04:00 PM
Post: #69
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
Absolutely, and when you live in a democracy, you have to go with the majority's choice whether you like it or not...Tongue

But on to the important matter of Harry & Ruth in 2.5. To me this is the first episode you can see that they are perhaps more aware of each other than of their other colleagues. First there is that concerned and slightly guilty look Harry gives Ruth when she breaks down during the VX briefing, and then Ruth's obvious concern and compassion for Harry when they believe him to be ill. Which is emphasised all the more by her "You bastard" comment at the end, which is borne more out of relief that he is okay than of anger. I also like the way Harry shepherds Ruth into the pods when they all leave at the end.

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14-02-2010, 04:01 PM
Post: #70
RE: [spoilers] Harry and Ruth Strike Back
I'm not sure that's true, but it feels more like a chat for the Ruth thread.

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