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Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
14-02-2010, 03:43 PM
Post: #11
RE: Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
I understand what you are saying JHyde about this episode but I still love watching it even though I know the conclusion. I think I always knew that it was a training exercise because it was only episode 2.5 and if it was the end of the world then what would be in the next five episodes of the series? Howard Brenton makes a similar point about this episode in the commentary. I think because it is so unique, I still find it quite powerful. Spy programmes with hostage storylines and bombs being about to explode with seconds to spare, are two a penny. This is a stand alone episode in my opinion.

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14-02-2010, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 14-02-2010 05:52 PM by YourFutureMuse.)
Post: #12
RE: Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
I love love love this episode! I liked how you got to see more about the character's personal lives, because even though we are now into the second series we hardly know anything about the main characters I liked that Zoe was worried about her Dad and poor Ruth only having her cat - bless her!!
I liked the way she likes that she is only her job - I think her character developed a lot in this ep and she was the one who stopped Tom when he looked like he was going to lose it too.

I liked Sam and Danny in this ep and think its a shame it was never really developed. It was good how both of them had family in Edinburgh, maybe created a further bond between them.

Loved Keeley's crying scene at the beginning
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reminded me a bit of the scene where she confronts Will in s3
. She really is an amazing actress.

There was also some good funny moments in this ep too despite in being quite heavy - I laughed out loud when Colin stuck his finger up at Danny Tongue I also loved how Colin looked so eager for Sam to go on the canal with them (and it was also cute how Sam changed her mind when she found out Danny was going Smile )

I am off to watch the commentary now Big Grin so wil prob return with further comment Big Grin
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14-02-2010, 06:24 PM
Post: #13
RE: Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
Definitely a favourite episode. I agree that this is definitely the beginning of the end for Tom. He was prepared to take the big decisions for the sake of the country, but when he realised it was just an exercise, I don't think he could forgive Harry for causing him so much pain for an exercise ! And Tom started to see himself as more separate from the team.

Lucas 8.4: It's all about trust, isn't Harry ?.
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14-02-2010, 06:26 PM
Post: #14
RE: Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
Yeh, he was getting dirty looks from Zoe most of the time.. don't know what that was about, he handled the incident with the banker in the best way possible. Why does she seem to resent him?

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14-02-2010, 06:48 PM
Post: #15
RE: Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
Exactly, Zoe was in the wrong, she hadn't got the banker checked out. What else could Tom do ? But did Zoe believe that Tom had destroyed the tapes of her and the banker, as she was still angry at the beginning of 2.5. I can't really see Tom inviting the rest of the team to watch the tape over a few beers Smile

Lucas 8.4: It's all about trust, isn't Harry ?.
[Image: who-trust.png]
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14-02-2010, 06:55 PM
Post: #16
RE: Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
I think she was just embarassed by it all and needed someone to take it out on... It must have been mortifying for her and then walking into work with the thought that everyone knew about it even if they hadn't seen it themselves...
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14-02-2010, 09:12 PM (This post was last modified: 14-02-2010 09:17 PM by lwhite53.)
Post: #17
RE: Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
I agree with those of you who rate this as one of their favorite eps -- I do, too, because the question it asks, "What does leadership really ask of the leader himself?," is a universal one. The ep speaks as much about Harry's role in the show (even though he doesn't feature much in the ep) as it does about Tom's ability to cope with what's thrown at him.

Things I enjoyed:
-Opening sequence with Ruth doing the weekly terrorist assessment report and how Patmos was thrown in, almost inconsequentially.
-The first scene with Tom and Dr. Vicky -- I think he's finally figured out she's crazy!
-Colin setting up the barge trip, and Sam deciding to go once Danny is in.
-Malcom bitching about the lack of maintenance in the building. He really doesn't cope well when things don't work as they should. Seems to me he's in the wrong job!
-Ruth deciding, after everyone else is flummoxed about what is really happening, to check the telly. CNN (or BBC) to the rescue!!
-Malcolm's line about VX, "One sweet weapon." Everyone looks at him like he's crazy.
-Tom to Malcolm and Colin. "Invent something." Great line!

I loved the slowly developing sense of panic and doom that gets progressively worse throughout the ep. In tandem, the pressure on Tom grows proportionally. Thought this was well plotted and worked well.

Once T knows that Harry is infected, T's sense of isolation is apparent -- all of a sudden, the security of the country rests on his shoulders and he realizes what a lonely feeling that is:
Tom: "I'm meant to be EMEX officer and I don't know what to do."
Ruth: "We're the troops, you're the leader. Leaders don't have feelings, as you well know." (Wonder who she's referring to here! Wink)

Also loved Ruth's moment: "I never realized I'm just my job. Without it, I go completely to pieces. . . . I'm happy with that." A stunning admission but also a genuine acceptance of who she is.

The highlight of the ep, for me, was the shooting scene:
Mark: "What are you going to do, Tom? You going to shoot a fellow officer in Thames House?"
Tom: "If needs be, yes." [Echoes H's frequent line, "needs must."]
Then Tom shoots. What an extraordinary toll the service takes on its officers! Truly a heart-breaking moment, imo.

The looks between Harry and Tom when it's all over are interesting -- H trying to assess what this has done to T and T angry? upset?disappointed? with H. It's very hard to tell what is going on in T's mind but there's no doubt that this ep has somehow shifted their relationship.

"What is the truth?"
"Betrayal is a cancer. Let it eat your soul, not mine."
"Please tell me this isn't going where I think it's going."
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14-02-2010, 09:34 PM
Post: #18
RE: Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
When Tom shoots what happens to the shot? If that makes sense lol Confused
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14-02-2010, 10:06 PM
Post: #19
RE: Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
There was blank ammo in the gun (the real ammo had been replaced before the EERIE exercise began). Nothing happened.

"What is the truth?"
"Betrayal is a cancer. Let it eat your soul, not mine."
"Please tell me this isn't going where I think it's going."
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14-02-2010, 10:10 PM
Post: #20
RE: Episode 5 Discussion [rewatch]
Oh yeah haha I remember that now that it had been replaced aha for some reason I didn't click that Tongue
Thank you for helping me out of my slow moment Big Grin
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