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Storylines for series 9
04-04-2010, 12:39 PM
Post: #71
RE: Storylines for series 9
(04-04-2010 12:10 PM)Skully Wrote:  
(04-04-2010 04:36 AM)BoHenley Wrote:  Bring on something new! (Exception: Lucas with his shirt off)

"Socks off" Lucas would be something new Wink
"Socks off" Harry would be something new...

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04-04-2010, 03:45 PM
Post: #72
RE: Storylines for series 9
The ultimate betrayal... Oliver Mace returns and we find out that he's been working for MI5 all the time. Big Grin (and now all the people who he has ever.. crossed are after him and Section D is tasked to protect him Big Grin)

... or maybe I've had too much chocolate Wink

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04-04-2010, 03:49 PM
Post: #73
RE: Storylines for series 9
Lol TB!!! Tongue

Speaking of chocolate, I've been deprived for over a month... Must go find some...

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08-04-2010, 01:21 PM
Post: #74
RE: Storylines for series 9
Just commenting on the Picard photos and the oriental looking chap in them. Some people keep saying he could be chinese intelligence. I just think that if Harry and him are choosing to meet outside the MI5* building, then the meet can't be a secret surely? It must be a friendly meet. I therefore wonder whether the oriental looking man is just the new CIA* liaison officer. It would stop Lucas being tempted again.....or then again...Smile

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08-04-2010, 01:47 PM
Post: #75
RE: Storylines for series 9
Yes, I agree Tea Lady, either it's a friendly meet or Harry is losing his touch! The post for CIA liason is open again after all after Sarah's timely demise. Either that or perhaps the oriental looking man is a friendly as in 6 or something, or alternatively somebody from Harry's past, wouldn't think it would be a sleeper though because outside MI-5 headquaters with the agencies most public figure would be suicide.
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08-04-2010, 03:59 PM
Post: #76
RE: Storylines for series 9
I'm wondering if the "ultimate betrayal" might point to a very senior politician (think HS or PM) actually being a double agent for someone else. Now that would be cool.

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08-04-2010, 06:47 PM
Post: #77
RE: Storylines for series 9
I am thinking that the writers may get H/R together offscreen and all we get are occasional looks and throwaway lines. In 8.6 Ruth asks Harry for a drink then in 8.7 we have the hand touch and in 8.8 Harry knows that Ruth is in a choir. The writers on CSI did something similar with Grissom and Sara.

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08-04-2010, 07:01 PM
Post: #78
RE: Storylines for series 9
(08-04-2010 06:47 PM)shazia.kasim Wrote:  I am thinking that the writers may get H/R together offscreen and all we get are occasional looks and throwaway lines. In 8.6 Ruth asks Harry for a drink then in 8.7 we have the hand touch and in 8.8 Harry knows that Ruth is in a choir. The writers on CSI did something similar with Grissom and Sara.

I think Harry knew about the choir from before. There was an episode where she sang. Series 3 or 4. I had originally thought that H/R had gone for that drink off screen at the end of 8.6, but have since changed my mind. I dont think Harry took her up on it. He was far too distant in 8.7 even though Ruth had become bolder. Nightingale got in the way I feel. I think we will see them get together. I just think it is too good a story and opportunity, for the writers to pass on.

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08-04-2010, 10:13 PM
Post: #79
RE: Storylines for series 9
(08-04-2010 06:47 PM)shazia.kasim Wrote:  The writers on CSI did something similar with Grissom and Sara.

Ultimately, this might be how they end the series (though, hopefully, not yet). Stringing us all on with the H/R "will they/won't they" scenes keeps us wanting more and it's a great writing device - one that works.

As for the rest of the team, it hinges on those words "ultimate betrayal." Ultimate betrayal of the team could be exposure, i.e. who they are, where they live, their families, or ultimate betrayal of the UK itself, the government, its secrets, its business dealings, its overseas spooks etc. And if the PM is involved...WOW!!

I also hope the writers spare a few lines to develop the characters more and show their interactions with each other - so rarely seen in series 8. And please, it's time to tie up those loose ends and mysteries, especially between Harry and Lucas, Tariq's background, etc.
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08-04-2010, 11:54 PM
Post: #80
RE: Storylines for series 9
can't quite shake the feeling that we're all reading way too much into that "ultimate betrayal" thing.. might just be a teaser to keep us hooked.
And turns out to be Harry wearing bow ties insted of regular ones.

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