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Storylines for series 9
26-04-2010, 11:08 AM
Post: #101
RE: Storylines for series 9
Returning to the Harry idea, it's what none of us want and would be the "ultimate betrayal" and therefore could be what happens (but I hope not). Worse, it would mean Sarah was right, in which case, the writers hate us all.

I'm hoping it's a politican.

And I'm hoping Lucas's tight blue t-shirt makes a return. Silba
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26-04-2010, 02:33 PM (This post was last modified: 26-04-2010 02:59 PM by Hunted.)
Post: #102
RE: Storylines for series 9
(26-04-2010 11:08 AM)BoHenley Wrote:  I'm hoping it's a politican.

I've re-watched Series 8 over the last couple of weeks, and it's just a theory but I think this 'ultimate betrayal' could be political; and the direction series 9 is going, if Nightingale continues as the storyline.
Series 8 Spoiler: show
There was something odd about the 'forcing out' of the previous HS supposedly who was setup by Nightingale. Why? To me it is not quite adding up. If Nightingale wanted their own man in - the new HS. And look what happened to him in the last episode.

I could be well off the mark here, but it has happened in history before. Assassinate a senior member of cabinet, and a government has the pre-text to introduce all sorts of draconian law & order legislation against a preceived threat.
Legitimate if the government is acting in the best interests of the country and its people. Not legitimate if the government manufactured the crises in the first place. And who is pulling the strings to do this - a senior politican or former politican who is still influential but controlling things from the side-lines?
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27-04-2010, 12:43 AM
Post: #103
RE: Storylines for series 9
I think it's political too.
Spoiler: show
The HS paid visits to Hans Lindemann and if I remember correctly, I don't think this was completely resolved in the last episode

No complaints from me either if Lucas' tight blue t-shirt had a starring role....
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27-04-2010, 01:06 PM
Post: #104
RE: Storylines for series 9
I don't think the Nightingale storyline will continue into series 9. I can't remember a plot line continuing into the next series in Spooks, usually it is a whole new conspiracy.

Lucas 8.4: It's all about trust, isn't Harry ?.
[Image: who-trust.png]
Signature by the brilliant TygerBright
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27-04-2010, 03:11 PM
Post: #105
RE: Storylines for series 9
And another vote for the blue t-shirt from here..

Lucas North: Your situation is more precarious than you realize, Connie, so stop pressing buttons and give us something.
Connie James: Threats don't work with a person who has nothing to lose.
Lucas North: Oh, you're too ingenious to think that I'm threatening you. I'm offering you a simple choice: help us or don't. I'll leave you to compute the implication.Cool
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27-04-2010, 08:52 PM
Post: #106
RE: Storylines for series 9
If we don't get some kind of resolution about the Nightingale storyline, I'm gonna' be really pissed! You can't have a plotline go through a whole season and then just drop it without finishing it.

"What is the truth?"
"Betrayal is a cancer. Let it eat your soul, not mine."
"Please tell me this isn't going where I think it's going."
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27-04-2010, 09:29 PM
Post: #107
RE: Storylines for series 9
Totally agree - there are still far too many unanswered questions about Nightingale not to carry it on.

Also agree that the betrayal could well be political - there's still the outstanding issue of whether (RG's) Home Sec was set up or was part of the conspiracy, whether the new HS is part of it, etc. etc.

"Where's Harry?"
"Moving in mysterious ways."
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28-04-2010, 10:02 AM
Post: #108
RE: Storylines for series 9
If Nightingale continues, I hope it's for the first episode only. There are unresolved issues, but get rid of it and start a new story.

And I hope Lucas' black singlet also makes a return...Angel
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28-04-2010, 11:07 AM
Post: #109
RE: Storylines for series 9
I agree with that BoHenley - plus the show has never carried storylines over from one season to another beyond the first episode.

There's good news in that, as Nightingale wasn't altogether successful. I'm hoping they don't actually go the overarching theme of the season route again. It doesn't always work well although it does work brilliantly when executed well - think season 7. But there are other seasons we love that aren't in the same vein.

[Image: colleagues.png]
Many thanks to Tyger for a terrific signature
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