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Ruth's Diary - No.10 (2.10)
28-03-2010, 07:27 AM (This post was last modified: 24-05-2010 02:26 PM by JHyde.)
Post: #1
Ruth's Diary - No.10 (2.10)
[3rd July 2004]

Today was a bit of a strange day. In terms of work, it was a typical quiet day with the usual amount of paperwork to be completed, but there was something different in the atmosphere on the Grid. It felt like there was a dense fog of secrecy and tension that was not normally there. Tom kept having private conversations with Danny and Zoe throughout the day. It didn't feel like they were having a normal conversation though, like they normally did. It looked like Tom was telling Zoe and Danny something that they were uncomfortable hearing about, but I have no idea what.

[5th July 2004]

Tom, Zoe and Danny have been disappearing off the Grid for the last two days, for no obvious reason. I don't get it - Harry hasn't asked them to go, and from the frequent queries by Harry into their absences, I don't think he knows where they are either. It just doesn't make any sense. He pulled Zoe and Danny into his office this afternoon, but neither of them would say what for.

Malcolm got a new gadget, spent most of the morning meeting enthusing about it. It's a miniscule tracking device, borrowed from the CIA. As far as he's concerned, the best thing since sliced bread. It went missing later today, after he showed it to Tom. There's something major going down, but I have no idea what. For all I know it could be a sensitive operation, one which they don't want to involve a former GCHQ mole. Equally, it could be a clandestine operation, one where they are working against MI5. I have no idea what to think.

[6th July 2004]

Tom, Zoe and Danny have all gone missing, and it seems to be connected to this Micky Karharias, an American criminal found dead recently at his home in Miami. Harry and I went outside, off the Grid and he said something that I never expected to here. "I think Tom Quinn's on the blink." I couldn't understand it, how could Tom be on the blink? I still don't really understand. There are some agents, agents like Tom, who are at the top of their game, and you never really expect to see them fall. Then when they do the reality hits you - we spend most of our time at work relying on the Toms and Harrys of the security services, trusting your life and your beliefs to them and believing that they'll never make a wrong decision. Then they fall, and suddenly you realise, they're only human, just like us.

[7th July 2004]

Zoe and Danny are back on the Grid, thankfully. Tom's still missing though. It still doesn't make any sense. Harry asked me to research Paul Conners, the legend on a false passport we found made up for Tom. We found a bank account for him, which recently had $4 billion dollars deposited in it. Money is a weakness of many people, but I don't know that I can accept that Tom betrayed his country and his friends for money. It appears that the money was payment for an assassination. The question is, whose assassination?

I can't believe this, I can't believe everything that's going on, it doesn't make any sense. Tom shot Harry? He could have killed him, he could have killed Harry. I don't see how this can be a misunderstanding any more, why would he have shot Harry if he was innocent??? I don't know Tom any more. Before I would have considered him a friend, or at the very least as just a colleague. Now I no longer recognise him, I don't recognise the man who I would place my trust in on a daily basis. I half hope he did drown. Then I remember the memories of my time on the Grid with him, of how he gave me a second chance, and I just wish he was back, and everything was normal again. I wish he hadn't shot Harry.

The Grid has been invaded by the JIC, lead by Oliver Mace, supposedly to investigate the Tom Quinn affair, but I can smell the stench of politics. I've had to call Zoe and Danny back to London as fast as possible. Section D is under attack, and it's all the fault of Tom Quinn.

DANNY - Placements all over the shop. Back up vehicles, chopper support if we need it. Bomb disposal with a signal jammer for Mary’s trademark remote control blasts. And Tom here’s doing the catering. Mate. You are so covered.
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28-03-2010, 03:21 PM
Post: #2
RE: Ruth's Diary - No.10
Very good entry almh, Ruth's confusion and bewilderment at events around her really carried through. Looking forward to the next one!

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28-03-2010, 03:49 PM
Post: #3
RE: Ruth's Diary - No.10
Very good Almh. I like the way this has caught up with the rewatch. Gives you a bit more as to what Ruth is thinking and feeling.

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28-03-2010, 05:07 PM
Post: #4
RE: Ruth's Diary - No.10
Great work, almh. Love Ruth's realization that the spooks are human just like everyone else and that they can make mistakes, too. Her hero worship is slowly being tarnished.

"What is the truth?"
"Betrayal is a cancer. Let it eat your soul, not mine."
"Please tell me this isn't going where I think it's going."
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29-03-2010, 05:54 AM
Post: #5
RE: Ruth's Diary - No.10
Nice one.

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04-04-2010, 11:06 PM
Post: #6
RE: Ruth's Diary - No.10
Great entry, almh. Keep up the good work.

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