Poll: Did you like Code 9?
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Did you like Code 9?
05-01-2010, 02:41 AM
Post: #21
RE: Did you like Code 9?
Chris I suspect your analysis is very accurate. It was really a victim of being a tween/teen melodrama that shared a name with a serious adult drama.

Maybe it just needed zombies. Kidding!

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26-01-2010, 09:37 PM
Post: #22
RE: Did you like Code 9?
I like it.t,s no way near as good as spooks not much is.Didn,t like the leader joanne something can,t remember her real name. Charlie was weak a good actor, but his love interest can,t remember her name either she reminded me of Ros.

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08-09-2010, 01:58 PM
Post: #23
RE: Did you like Code 9?
I have only just started watching it on DVD. I'm really enjoying code 9 when i'm not comparing it to spooks. I like the idea of post-nuclear MI5 but I think the individual stories should link up to it more.

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09-02-2011, 01:15 PM
Post: #24
RE: Did you like Code 9?
I've recently watched it on the DVD and quite liked itSmile Even though it has actually nothing to do with the real Spooks it was fun.. I think that it is critisized so much mainly because after watching 'adult' Spooks people expected sth completely different
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10-04-2011, 11:12 AM
Post: #25
RE: Did you like Code 9?
Code 9 was hardly bearable but this talk of brining back former actors is shocking.

Jez yes, as it's inkeeping with the story line. Tom, Christine, Zoe? No.

Tom cracked, saw the things the service asked him to do as wrong and he couldn't keep living a lie. I don't imagine he has anything to do with espionage these days, probably not even in a safehouse.

I think it would be good if Zoe was tied up in a mission in Series 10 though - she's inadvertently involved in something wherever she is now
Spoiler: show
I imagine they forced her to stay in Chile? At least for a few years - I doubt anyone would recognise her if she came back.
But then again she's out in the cold so I'm sure if/when they found out who she was, they'd get her out the picture quickly
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16-01-2012, 05:40 PM
Post: #26
RE: Did you like Code 9?
I watched Code 9 only now for the first time and was agreeably surprised (after reading mostly negative opinions about it everywhere). It isn´t my all-time-favourite series or so, but if there would have been a S2, I would watch it with pleasure. The young actors were good, I liked especially Jaz and Rachel. The stories were mostly interesting and thrilling. It´s a pity that there wasn´t another series as it ended with a cliffhanger. Of course I suppose the bomb would be deactivated in time, but not sure about Rachel or Rob and his suspicious behavior (or maybe this last one was explained somewhere and I missed it, not sure as I watched without subtitles and my English is far from perfect...).
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16-01-2012, 05:49 PM (This post was last modified: 16-01-2012 05:51 PM by Chris Ross Leong.)
Post: #27
RE: Did you like Code 9?
Dalia, glad you enjoyed it.
Now that the series and all its spinoffs have gone the way of that other show that started off intelligent and spun off stupid (Who?) it's actually refreshing to go back and revisit both the parent series and Code 9, and compare it with what's out there at the moment.
Anybody seen anything better lately?

(well, not fair, actually. The DW spinoff TW, was pretty decent - until they brought it over here to the US and "dumbed it down / gave it heart". Loved the first three series (from the UK), hated the fourth (US co production).
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16-01-2012, 09:40 PM
Post: #28
RE: Did you like Code 9?
Look at that! I did remember my password.

Jackk14 that would have been interesting. I wanted it to be about some of the other characters who had left the show.

It wasn't horrible. It's as good as some of the other teen angst shows I've watched from the UK.

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