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[spoilers] Episode 8 summary
22-10-2010, 05:56 AM (This post was last modified: 22-10-2010 06:23 AM by Deb p.)
Post: #31
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
Oooh ! I am Happy now I have read red clover's take on this, That is the version I will cling on to. I have to believe, I have to believe !!!!!
And now I have seen the press release about RA's next role in The Hobbit ! That pretty much clinches it then, Lucas will not make series 10 . But does he have to die ??? Maybe Harry secures him a new identity and life with Maya.......... we live in hope !
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22-10-2010, 06:48 AM
Post: #32
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
Series 9 Spoiler: show
Check out the Ricahrd Armitage thread, it appears Rich is to appear in the new Lord of the Rings film...which starts filming in Feb in New Zealand...not looking good for his MI5 career!
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22-10-2010, 07:57 AM
Post: #33
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
Red Clover, please don't hog the pills. I just read the news about RA's next role... Suicida
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22-10-2010, 08:07 AM
Post: #34
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
(22-10-2010 07:57 AM)Quill Wrote:  Red Clover, please don't hog the pills. I just read the news about RA's next role... Suicida

The light at the end of the tunnel is starting to look really dim now for Lucas's journey.Confused

Please please writers, please don't turn the light off!!!!!!!Vueltasss

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22-10-2010, 08:50 AM (This post was last modified: 22-10-2010 09:07 AM by BoHenley.)
Post: #35
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
(21-10-2010 09:20 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  Ha! Tea Lady hasn't, John has. John has taken Tea Lady's identity....Cool

I knew you couldn't resist, Tea Lady Big Grin
(21-10-2010 08:49 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  Looking at the opening titles to Spooks, there is a scene of Harry walking alone on the top of the old press centre which has a helicopter pad. I do wonder if this is where they have their showdown, on top of a high rise building!!!

Wait, didn't some of our Spookses report from the filming sites that (REALLY DON'T READ THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT A POSSIBLE SPOILER)
Series 9.8 Spoiler: show
someone falls/jumps/gets pushed off a high rise building in the last episode? AAAAAAAAAH!

I can't believe that Harry doesn't know about some or all of Lucas's past. It's a pity the writers didn't link Lucas's instability to his years of torture - that would be believable. That he's desperate for love also works (to a point) - but not enough to betray everything he's worked for, as others have said. This is a poor end for a character who is "damaged goods" but who was loyal in far more trying circumstances.

If it's all a set up to catch Vaughan, I'll be over the moon. But sadly, I doubt if Lucas's character will survive more than a few seconds into S10, if he gets that far.

RedClover, can you email me your happy pills...?
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22-10-2010, 09:43 AM
Post: #36
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
OK, while I admit it doesn't sound good re Lucas' future, considering the film news this morning, I would have thought news about his leaving would have leaked out by now. Everyone else who has left Spooks, has let the cat out of the bag, long before. Also, lets not forget that it is not impossible for RA to fit in filming both. The films will take two years. RA's part could be in 2012. We just don't know. Martin Freeman has already signed up for a new series of Sherlock which films next year. Surely that means he won't be in NZ for several months. On the other hand, Ruth seems to be acting like a Section Chief already, although if Harry chooses MI5 over her, I would struggle to see how she could work under Harry in any capacity.

As Ruth says, "At the moment, we have more questions that answers."

I guess, at the worst, this is going to be one hell of a final showdown. TV at its best, I have no doubt.

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22-10-2010, 09:45 AM (This post was last modified: 22-10-2010 09:47 AM by WhiteSwan.)
Post: #37
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
(21-10-2010 11:46 PM)BravoNine Wrote:  WORD!!!

I REFUSE to believe that Lucas would just suddenly throw away everything he has fought so hard to build for himself here at MI5, HIS HOME, for some silly woman (even if she is the love of his life) that he abandoned 15 years ago just because Vaughn is back and he saw her picture! I REFUSE!Vueltasss

And if that's how the writers are gonna give it to me, then Spooks will have truly lost me as a viewer, that's just complete character assassination unless they give me a damn good explanation on how Lucas went from courageous/loyal to stupid/insane.

Lucas North has always been about his loyalty to MI5 and Harry, I just refuse to believe he would turn on them this easily without a damn good reason, and for a girl is NOT a good reason.Dodgy

If 8 years of torture in a Russian hell hole didn't turn his loyalty, there has better be a good reason how 5 seconds of Vaughn, a briefcase, and a picture of an old flame can turn him!!!

Just what I'm thinking!
Do the writers think we are completely stupid? Ok, they want us to believe that there is someone, who apparently is evil and ruthless and did something so terrible that he had to disappear and change his name. And to cover his tracks he then joins MI5 (why on earth MI5 - because apparently their vetting process is just a joke and section D is run by someone who's the worst judge of character in the whole of Britain). Anyway, for 15 years he is an excellent agent, loyal, trustworthy, honest, with a high moral code (as we were told in series 7). He even remains loyal through 8 years of imprisonment in Russia and after his return proves time and again that he can be trusted, that he is willing to risk his life for others (including Harry). And then he looks at a photograph of a woman and - suddenly - the evil, ruthless man is back. Wow! Amazing! What a shame the Russians didn't know about that trick!
I'm sorry, but if they don't come up with a really good twist at the end, which will make Lucas a hero again and not a villain, then this will be one of the most ridiculous stories I've seen in a long, long time.
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22-10-2010, 09:48 AM
Post: #38
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
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22-10-2010, 11:11 AM
Post: #39
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
(22-10-2010 09:45 AM)WhiteSwan Wrote:  [quote='BravoNine' pid='34066' dateline='1287704794']
I'm sorry, but if they don't come up with a really good twist at the end, which will make Lucas a hero again and not a villain, then this will be one of the most ridiculous stories I've seen in a long, long time.

I agree and this is just not Spooks. They wouldn't have spent most of this Series setting Lucas up if there wasn't a BIG twist at the end!
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22-10-2010, 11:37 AM
Post: #40
RE: [spoilers] Episode 8 summary
Totally agree with WhiteSwan, Lucas was so loyal for so long he can't just give it all up for a woman. Unless his secret past is so bad that continuing to work for MI5 is no longer an option once Harry finds out, after all Harry said he didn't like liars, and this seams like a really big lie.

Lucas 8.4: It's all about trust, isn't Harry ?.
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