Spooks: 2002-2011

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Series 10 - Episode 1 Discussion
19-09-2011, 07:40 AM
Post: #41
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
Brilliant, shows what we have missed. I’m so happy that Spooks is back and so sad that we only have another five episodes !
Series 10 Spoiler: show
Loved the episode in the main, humour, great one liners, lots of Harry (brilliant acting by PF). I liked Erin (as does Dimitri !) but not so keen on Calum and in six episodes maybe we aren’t going to care too much about him. Although knowing the twists the writers like, Erin will probably turn against Harry and Calum will help him !
Harry and Ruth were very comfortable with each other but no sexual tension so we can only guess what has happened during the “gardening leave”. (They obviously weren’t living together though.) What happened in the Cold War, who Harry loved then, however many children he had shouldn’t affect his relationship with Ruth now. (I guess that there is more to come on the things that Harry has done though.) What is worrying is the (much thinner) creepy HS taking a shine to Ruth and Harry still appearing to be in love, even besotted with Elena.
As a point wouldn’t it have been very dangerous to allow a small boy to witness a meeting with your spy agent / lover? I’m beginning to wonder if Elena isn’t a double double agent and Harry wasn’t the one being played. Coaver was with Harry and Witt at the time so may know the code names etc so could be the one impersonating Harry. Coaver did say that the US didn’t want Britain cosying up to Russia – was that a warning to Harry?
Don’t like the released lines of script from ep 2 at all !
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19-09-2011, 07:40 AM
Post: #42
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
I'm so glad that my huge anticipation before the start paid off and I surely wasn't dissappointed. Loved the first episode and at the same time I'm so sad that there will only be 5 episodes left.

Harry and Ruth are great together and they really seem to have come to terms with each other even though I really would have liked to see them talking about the Albany thing and actually finding that understanding.

Eight weeks is quite some time even for these two to find the opportunity to talk and I understand that as a viewer I just have to accept that this happened in the meantime, but what a difference it is from the last image of teary-eyed Ruth we had, to her smiling at Harry and them getting along quite well.

Loved Callum and his snottiness and that they brought back the humour not only with Callum but also in giving Harry back some of his sharp remarks. I was really missing this in S9 where everything only seemed doom and gloom.

I liked Erin too, but not as much as Callum. She's a bit too perfect imo. Or maybe it's only her hair that's too perfect. Where was it that I've read that she seemed to have sprung directly from a hair conditioner advert??
Another thing which annoyed be a bit about her is that we are led to believe she's a super spy and has been fast-tracked to a position to replace Harry but then again she gets teary about shooting a mercenary during an op. I would have believed that if it had been a civilian but she should've been more professional here.

I expected Sasha to be Harry's son but not that this would be revealed in episode 1 already! They also have to give me some more information on the whole timeframe in which Harry's relationship with Elena took place. In the last flashback scene when young Sasha is shown the boy there seems to be at least 4 years old, so this seems really like a long-term connection with Elena. How he could blank this out from his thoughts for so long they need to come up with a convincing explanation!!!

Can't wait for episode 2
Series 10 Spoiler: show
though I’m not so very keen to see the HS with Ruth!
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19-09-2011, 07:59 AM
Post: #43
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
I loved this episode, and the fact that it was slower and more crafted, to me was a bonus. The reveal that Sasha is Harry's son, was a no-brainer, but I reckon that Sasha knows it as well. There is going to be a parallel between him and Harry, and how much they give up for the sake of their country.

In 1981, having a love-child was still something that was swept under the carpet. The attitudes towards women having affairs and then getting pregnant were very different then. In 1982, a senior cabinet minister under Margaret Thatcher's government had to resign because he got his secretary pregnant. Can you imagine the fall out for Harry if his love child with a Soviet spy's wife had become public? Both him and Elena would have had to walk away from the relationship to protect both themselves and the child.

I really hope that they allow Ruth to be sensible about Harry having Sasha. I worry about what she'll think about him not trying to contact, or follow his career in the intervening years. There is also his terrible track record of not caring much for any of his children. It makes him seem so cold and driven.

I like the Erin element and her being able to work as a spy AND have a good relationship with her daughter. Will we see her having to make sacrifices for her career or child?

On the whole, I thought the episode was superb. I'm not looking at any spoilers for episode 2 because they are all so negative! The real thing is so much more enjoyable!
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19-09-2011, 08:37 AM (This post was last modified: 19-09-2011 08:40 AM by lottanyman.)
Post: #44
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
(19-09-2011 07:59 AM)Naivety Wrote:  I really hope that they allow Ruth to be sensible about Harry having Sasha. I worry about what she'll think about him not trying to contact, or follow his career in the intervening years. There is also his terrible track record of not caring much for any of his children. It makes him seem so cold and driven.

I also hope that this will not be too soapy and that Ruth will see this with her rational side. After all what could she possibly say about it? They "still" don’t have a real lover's relationship, she knows about Harry's failed marriage, about Juliet and that Harry surely seems not to have lived like a monk.
Sasha being Harry's son may be a bit of a surprise for her (I don't really think so though) but even about this she could not reproach him and neither could she about his lack of contact with him as there simply wasn't any possibility to solve this imo.

As for his legitimate children I do think he cared for them and there's no word from him that the relationship with them in their infant years was bad, it's only in later years and during and after the divorce that they stood on their mother's side and contact broke off.

(If only there would be a remark about the relationship with them in Harry's diary but I think we have to push this aside anyway as in there absolutely nothing is mentioned about him being stationed in Berlin and the whole timeframe must have been juggled)
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19-09-2011, 08:38 AM
Post: #45
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
I have to say I really enjoyed this episode. It sped by seemingly much quicker than an hour yet the pace of it wasn't rushed at all.

Erin and Calum grew on me during the episode, it's a shame there's only 6 episodes because it's difficult to come to care about characters in such a short period of time.

Great to see Dimitri and Tariq still on the Grid (and Max Brown is looking very hot) and it was nice to hear mentions of both Lucas and Beth.

Loved all the Harry and Ruth moments, numerous looks, the hearing, her being his plus one etc. But I thought the final scene in his office when he told her about Sasha was amazing, they both looked like they were about to cry (for different reasons) and the acting was wonderful. They seem much more comfortable with each other now and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the relationship pans out going forward! On the downside I was gutted that we didn't get to see the conversation where they 'made up' as I sure that would've been fantastic!

The overall story arch i liked, I think they'll move onto 'story of the week' for the next few eps with this becoming more of a 'B' story until it takes centre stage again possibly in eps 5 and 6. The 'twist' at the end which I think everyone guessed was the least twisty thing I think I've seen on Spooks - great acting, but I would think that the fact Harry had an affair 30 years ago and has another soon really can't be his big secret!

In short, loved the episode and can't belive there's only 5 left, and I'm keeping the faith as far as Harry and Ruth go. My theory is, the more angst and problems they face now, the more chance there is of a 'happyish' ending. If they were together and happy now with no clouds on the horizon then one or both of them would surely die by the end!
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19-09-2011, 09:58 AM
Post: #46
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
I loved this opening episode and have decided to dive in and post without reading anything above. Lots and lots of Harry as I expected and gosh isn't he looking lovely. And smiling, lots of that too, especially from Harry, so much so that Mr WS wondered if PF had his teeth done. Home Sec is looking very svelte, must be all that ballet! He is an excellent buffoon, without hamming it up too much. Ruth's hair is pretty and Tariq has swapped the Justin Bieber hair for something sported by a Playmobil figure.

Inside Harry's house/flat, Yay! He's obviously going for a lighter decor these days, maybe he redecorated during his break. There was definitely an old spy feel about it which I prefered than the car chases and running around. There was a lighter, chummy atmosphere on the grid and I like the way Harry's return was handled. I really like Callum, who has replaced Beth in effect. I liked his first scene with Harry and he reminded me of the old days when there were more quips. The 'Vlad, don't run in the corridor' comment was excellent. First impressions of Erin were positive, wow, what big hair she has. She's like a walking hair product advert!

Bit of a gabbling post, wanted to keep it pithy.
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19-09-2011, 10:07 AM (This post was last modified: 19-09-2011 10:28 AM by richliga.)
Post: #47
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion

Btw THIS scene we never saw in ep1, right?

(19-09-2011 12:55 AM)beatrice4ruth Wrote:  Harry still loves Ruth very much. He looked quite jealous when Ruth rushed to Dimitri's side during the embassy reception. When Harry told Ruth about his illegitimate family, he had tears in his eyes. I think that he was afraid of losing Ruth at that moment. He has so much trust in her by confiding his secret. She could get him in deep trouble if she told the HS. I think that the American knows about Harry's second family.

I enjoyed episode 1 very much. I still think that Harry's secret is more than his love child. I am afraid that he either
Series 10 Spoiler: show
leaked some intelligence information to Elena or he was reckless in a black op which led to the death of innocent people. He is on very thin ice and might not last long as a temporary Head of Section D.

I agree it is MORE to come regarding Harry secret... it cannot be only THIS... he must have done something really awful to put Ruth in doubt...

(19-09-2011 06:44 AM)yorkshiretyke Wrote:  I enjoyed this episode...but have to say it wasn't Spooks as we know it...more like a spin off! There was no story of the week, no explosions, no twists (sorry everyone must of guessed about the son!)..I think I liked it because it was all about Harry.

One question, in the trailer we saw a man dragging a body down a corridor, when I first saw it I feared it was Harry with Ruth, but was it the assassin last night??

It was not Harry dragging Ruth but the russian assassin dragging russian security agent....

I agree that this episode was not the Spooks we know... My husband who is somewhat less of a spooks fan said he was a bit disappointed as it was a bit slow and focused on Harry. That the only threat was a man with a gun, no usual suspense and twists and it was not about to save half of the London.
But for me as a spooks fan and Harry fan and Harry and Ruth fan I found this episode quite nice. Looking forward to the old days spying. After having watched the episode second time I must take back some of the harsh words regarding Elena, (I still dont like that actress or her looks) but its interesting character and I wonder if she is not somehow behind all this as well... She must have some agenda!

(19-09-2011 08:38 AM)Sparky Wrote:  Loved all the Harry and Ruth moments, numerous looks, the hearing, her being his plus one etc. But I thought the final scene in his office when he told her about Sasha was amazing, they both looked like they were about to cry (for different reasons) and the acting was wonderful. They seem much more comfortable with each other now and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the relationship pans out going forward! On the downside I was gutted that we didn't get to see the conversation where they 'made up' as I sure that would've been fantastic!

In short, loved the episode and can't belive there's only 5 left, and I'm keeping the faith as far as Harry and Ruth go. My theory is, the more angst and problems they face now, the more chance there is of a 'happyish' ending. If they were together and happy now with no clouds on the horizon then one or both of them would surely die by the end!

Even though I would LOVE to see Harry and Ruth talking out about Albany and "US" conversation I am quite content (could be worse) of the fact that they are so at ease with each other. I like how he tells her EVERYTHING (or does he?Wink), I don't know if that depends on the fact that they have sort of moved on and are only the best friends or something (though I still believe they do love each other) but I mean they are at CERTAIN age and gone through so much together and they are SPIES...(cannot believe that im actually saying this coz I love HR.. Wink) so they cannot keep discussing everything like two teenagers...it would turn spooks into a soupy tv show..
BUT I still agree the Jump from 9.8 to 10.1 regarding those two was a bit significant!!!

The last scene was just SOOOOO FANTASTIC between Nicola and Peter!!!! Give those two OSCARS ASAP!!!!

Cannot wait for ep2... it can only get better!!!!

Ok must get back to work, lunch is soon over! Wink
Loved this scene:Yahoo
Ruth: "Very glamorous"
Harry: "Yes, we will fit in perfectly"
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19-09-2011, 10:39 AM
Post: #48
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
I agree with Tea Lady about Elena, just because she isn't Ruth and might or might not be a love interest to Harry doesn't mean she is a bad character or actress.

Grow up. Smile

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19-09-2011, 10:49 AM
Post: #49
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
(19-09-2011 10:39 AM)Nitrus Wrote:  I agree with Tea Lady about Elena, just because she isn't Ruth and might or might not be a love interest to Harry doesn't mean she is a bad character or actress.

Grow up. Smile

Im not saying this about Elena because she might or might not be a threat to Ruth or love interest of Harry. I admit I was a bit harsh in my first review of Elena and as I said after watching the episode second time I find this character very intriguing but I still stand by my opinion that I HAD difficulties to look at her during the black tie event. I think it was too much red on a very pale skin. And all respect to Alice Kriger but I have NOT seen her in anything before and her acting did not convince me in the first episode.
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19-09-2011, 11:25 AM (This post was last modified: 19-09-2011 11:27 AM by nothingisasitseems.)
Post: #50
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
(19-09-2011 10:49 AM)richliga Wrote:  
(19-09-2011 10:39 AM)Nitrus Wrote:  I agree with Tea Lady about Elena, just because she isn't Ruth and might or might not be a love interest to Harry doesn't mean she is a bad character or actress.

Grow up. Smile

Im not saying this about Elena because she might or might not be a threat to Ruth or love interest of Harry. I admit I was a bit harsh in my first review of Elena and as I said after watching the episode second time I find this character very intriguing but I still stand by my opinion that I HAD difficulties to look at her during the black tie event. I think it was too much red on a very pale skin. And all respect to Alice Kriger but I have NOT seen her in anything before and her acting did not convince me in the first episode.

I'm afraid I didn't think Elena fit into the show very well - she seemed totally out of place.

Anyone else get the feeling Harry is running a double bluff and is behind Tourmeline still using Elena as an agent?
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