Spooks: 2002-2011

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Series 10 - Episode 1 Discussion
20-09-2011, 07:18 AM
Post: #91
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
TL one is harry and lucas iside themes house the other is harry and Tom i rewatched it lots of times to cap it LOL (yes i am that sad) i wanted to see what the big one was!

i wonder then if they played harry is sasha isnt his child eye colour can always be telling in paternity why does harry think he is?

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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20-09-2011, 07:27 AM
Post: #92
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
(20-09-2011 06:04 AM)Silktie Wrote:  [quote=
Series 10 Spoiler: show
And who was that woman at the end that phoned someone and told them it was done after the assassination attempt? Was she Russian? Or CIA?

Series 10 Spoiler: show
Yes, who was she and why did she say that the mission had been accomplished ? What happened that they wanted to happen ? Harry met the Gavrik's and then Elena in secret, Erin, Ruth and Dimitri showed themselves at MI5 officiers. Still can't help thinking that someone (US or even the British ?) is setting Harry up - did they get a photo of Harry meeting Elena in secret ?
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20-09-2011, 07:46 AM
Post: #93
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
Perhaps the mission accomplished is the set up for the meeting between Elena and Harry. It was Elena who set the time and place after all. Those people in the house in Russia had files of Sasha and Harry, so it seems everyone knows about Sasha's paternity already. Harry could be found guilty of jeopardising national security for the sake of personal relationships, even thirty years ago.

Series 10.2 Spoiler: show
I have a feeling that Jim Coaver is behind the Harry impersonation, and the shenanigans that follow with next week's stolen lap top. The CIA will want to stop Britain getting pally with Russia.
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20-09-2011, 11:46 AM (This post was last modified: 20-09-2011 11:53 AM by nothingisasitseems.)
Post: #94
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
(19-09-2011 05:59 PM)beatrice4ruth Wrote:  Interesting question. Will Tom be the "old face"? I always thought that the "old face" would be an older person who knew Harry during the Cold War. It might be a friendly face such as Tom as we remembered him. I can't imagine Tom betraying Harry, but who knows with Spooks.

You would think it too obvious they would show these photos if Tom was to be the old face returning, however they have not been too subtle in the last couple of Series first with Lucas and then I don't think anyone was in the least surprised when Harry revealed Sasha was his son ( or at least he THINKS Sasha is his son).

The news that this was to be the last Series of Spooks leaked many months ago but I think we also chose to pretend the "rumours" were untrue, however if the returning old face was to be Tom or Zoe I'm positive it would have leaked by now.

I know I was always a sole voice but I have never been 100% convinced Connie died in the Underground blast so my hunch is that it may be she. After all we are dealing with the Russians and she could have gathered much info and perhaps gotten access to Harry's personal files while at MI5 Headquarters!

Also think one of Erin or Calum will be a double agent.
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20-09-2011, 12:16 PM
Post: #95
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
thing is tom was with harry before lucas disapeared you never know! its definatly someone we know from before because i remember tweeting TV choice and asking them, only other person could be Juliet adfter all what happened to her after Yalta she wasnt even mentioned again

SPOOKS 2002-2011 - Thanks for the Memory's
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20-09-2011, 12:38 PM
Post: #96
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
(20-09-2011 11:46 AM)nothingisasitseems Wrote:  
(19-09-2011 05:59 PM)beatrice4ruth Wrote:  Interesting question. Will Tom be the "old face"? I always thought that the "old face" would be an older person who knew Harry during the Cold War. It might be a friendly face such as Tom as we remembered him. I can't imagine Tom betraying Harry, but who knows with Spooks.

You would think it too obvious they would show these photos if Tom was to be the old face returning, however they have not been too subtle in the last couple of Series first with Lucas and then I don't think anyone was in the least surprised when Harry revealed Sasha was his son ( or at least he THINKS Sasha is his son).

The news that this was to be the last Series of Spooks leaked many months ago but I think we also chose to pretend the "rumours" were untrue, however if the returning old face was to be Tom or Zoe I'm positive it would have leaked by now.

I know I was always a sole voice but I have never been 100% convinced Connie died in the Underground blast so my hunch is that it may be she. After all we are dealing with the Russians and she could have gathered much info and perhaps gotten access to Harry's personal files while at MI5 Headquarters!

Also think one of Erin or Calum will be a double agent.

I like the idea of Connie. She is the one who knows the most about Harry's intelligence history, his Cold War past and his Russian dealings. She is such a great "baddie". In fact, she would be even more perfect that Oliver Mace.

Oliver Mace might be the impersonator, but he would have to rely on the Russians to get information about Harry's past during the Cold War. Or did Oliver Mace work for MI-6 when Harry was there?

I never thought that the Grid would be infiltrated by a double agent, but it is possible.
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20-09-2011, 12:53 PM (This post was last modified: 20-09-2011 12:58 PM by cateau1.)
Post: #97
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
Major clue to the 'old face' returning:
Series 10 Spoiler: show
listen closely to the voice in the promo!!
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20-09-2011, 01:12 PM (This post was last modified: 20-09-2011 01:12 PM by A Cousin.)
Post: #98
RE: Series 10 Episode 1 discussion
(20-09-2011 12:53 PM)cateau1 Wrote:  Major clue to the 'old face' returning:
Series 10 Spoiler: show
listen closely to the voice in the promo!!

The "Have you ever thought about the lives you have ruined" line? That was Sasha in this very episode. Pretty sure he said it to Harry at gun-point. Unless it is a running theme and everyone says it to Harry at some point.

Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet [Spooks];
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

~Wm. Shakespeare, Hamlet
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20-09-2011, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 20-09-2011 02:44 PM by Scarlet.)
Post: #99
RE: Series 10 - Episode 1 Discussion
I re-watched ep 1 on the iplayer last night and noticed something that I'd missed before. In the scene where Sharecropper is in his flat and opens a file, the first page looks like some declassified document and under 'Subject', is written 'Lee Harvey Oswald'! (If you pause it on the iplayer at 01:57 you can see what I mean)
Eh?! Is that supposed to mean anything?! Or one of Kudos' little 'injokes' - sort of nod to the whole cold war, russia spy saga of the 1960's?
Did anyone else notice? Weird....

"Perhaps the selfsame song that found a path
Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,
She stood in tears amid the alien corn...."
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20-09-2011, 03:19 PM
Post: #100
RE: Series 10 - Episode 1 Discussion
Brilliant first episode, set up the whole season. H and R were fantastic as always!
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