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Alternative Ending
24-10-2011, 05:44 PM
Post: #11
RE: Alternative Ending
This could only be possile if an alternative ending had already been filmed. There just wouldn't be time otherwise.

Even so, with the DVD coming out next month I think the copies will already be manufactured and don't see it as a realistic possibiulity - although I would be all for it!
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24-10-2011, 05:45 PM
Post: #12
RE: Alternative Ending
As "right" as I thought the ending was for the feel of the series, I would love an alternate ending! I'm still heartsick over what happened and if there's any chance of a brighter one, I'll take it!
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24-10-2011, 05:57 PM
Post: #13
RE: Alternative Ending
Oh God! Yes please, alternative ending(s) yes! If only? Yahoo Is this for real?
I was fully prepared for a 'bad' ending last night, what shocked the hell out of me was how I reacted to it, it was overwhelming. I bawled my eyes out, hurled unrepeatable words at the tv and didn't even bother trying to sleep... I was a mess. How on earth does it get to a person like that, I've never experienced it before! Huh

Harry's my hero, always will be, and it pains me to say it, but, I think I would have coped better with Harry's demise. ...his poor tortured soul has been through the ringer...I can't bare to think of what he's going through. (Grrr there I go again) I think Ruth would have coped better with the loss!

See, I'm not really expecting hearts and flowers, I never have done. ( though I wouldn't object! Yahoo)

Please Kudos.....I'd even buy the DVD. After saying I never would! Blush
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24-10-2011, 05:58 PM
Post: #14
RE: Alternative Ending
Even if we could get the rumoured 'cuts' as extras. Still awaiting a kiss as hinted at by Ian Wylie!
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24-10-2011, 06:16 PM
Post: #15
RE: Alternative Ending
I'm giving 4 yes's on behalf of me and my wee family (mum, dad, brother and me!).

We'd all like to see an alternative ending Thanks! Haha!

But! If there is no alternative ending shot then I could live with some clips that got cut.
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24-10-2011, 06:32 PM
Post: #16
RE: Alternative Ending
(24-10-2011 05:57 PM)Agent Acme Wrote:  Oh God! Yes please, alternative ending(s) yes! If only? Yahoo Is this for real?
I was fully prepared for a 'bad' ending last night, what shocked the hell out of me was how I reacted to it, it was overwhelming. I bawled my eyes out, hurled unrepeatable words at the tv and didn't even bother trying to sleep... I was a mess. How on earth does it get to a person like that, I've never experienced it before! Huh

Agent Acme, I felt like that myself and feel kind of annoyed for doing so! I feel like saying 'get a life' to myself! I've never liked love stories, or girly type things you might say (even though I am a girl Smile, hated things like Titanic, etc, but for some reason this love story got me. Probably because it was so beautifully understated. I am reminded of the words of a brilliant film lecturer I had at uni who once said that as humans it seems we have a need to tell stories, and watch stories being told and it's kind of how we process life. I always thought that was a brilliant way of putting it. How drama affects you, and why it does. I would love to see an alternate ending and also any scenes that were cut. I wasn't aware this was the case.

"Perhaps the selfsame song that found a path
Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,
She stood in tears amid the alien corn...."
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24-10-2011, 06:58 PM
Post: #17
RE: Alternative Ending
Absolutely, this is a great idea - and gives a much-needed boost to a jaded soul! Please do what you can to bring our views to those who count. Like Scarlet I was desperately hoping that Ruth would appear in the house when Harry went to view it, and that in fact she'd hung on til the paramedics arrived - so they woudn't need to re-film the estuary shots. This would be great - the die-hard Spooks fans already have the ending they wanted it seems, but this would help the rest of us to accept and move on. Thanks.

Can't go on, must go on
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24-10-2011, 07:19 PM
Post: #18
RE: Alternative Ending
If Kudos/ production company/those responsible for manufacturing the DVD's are looking at the thread, please PLEASE test the DVD's to make sure they work on iMac's - my version is DVD Player App version 5.4.2. Series 1-8 are fine, but my series 9 box-set won't run on it, it's fine on a standard DVD player:-(
It's a small thing but when you've forked out the money...
Looking forward to my Christmas series 10 boxset!
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24-10-2011, 07:42 PM
Post: #19
RE: Alternative Ending
Yes, please, an alternative ending!! And not one that get Harry killed instead of Ruth.
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24-10-2011, 11:24 PM
Post: #20
RE: Alternative Ending
I'm all for it! Ruth's death hit me really hard too, even though I suspected that one of them would have to go. I can't get those final moments out of my head which is driving me mad. An alternative ending would satisfy my little shipper heart Smile

[Image: series5_ep10.jpg]
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