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Wish List for Season 9
19-05-2010, 02:17 AM
Post: #81
RE: Wish List for Season 9 (if there is one)
having just seen RH at the movies - my wish list for S9 would include a role for Mark Strong!! He is so good as a baddie!

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25-05-2010, 01:44 AM (This post was last modified: 25-05-2010 01:47 AM by redCHOCHO.)
Post: #82
RE: Wish List for Season 9 (if there is one)
(21-12-2009 02:05 AM)bertowud Wrote:  
(19-12-2009 08:10 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  4) Damian Lewis to guest star in an episode (will keep me and lwhite53 happy anyway.)

Count me in on the Damian Lewis fandom.
(19-12-2009 08:10 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  7) Real Americans if we have to have them.
Hey! But yes some of the American accents are pretty bad. I suspect some of them may be from actual Americans too.
Also, more Harry quips. He hasn't been quippy enough in series 8.

I'd love to see Damian Lewis too! I loved his character in the series Life and think he'd be an asset to the team.
(19-12-2009 08:10 PM)Tea Lady Wrote:  I may add to this after seeing episode 8 -

1) More desk and field officers (I know its been said already.)
2) Ruth to get something wrong once in a while.
3) More action Harry like series 6/7. We miss him out there!
4) Damian Lewis to guest star in an episode (will keep me and lwhite53 happy anyway.)
5) More scenes in Freemasons Hall.
6) Reduced number of close up shots and shooting through glass. Just film normally! We don't mind, really we dont.
7) Real Americans if we have to have them.
8) Continued filming in London. Its the blinking capital!
9) Information as to the whereabouts of Scarlet and Fidget.
10) More smiles and jokes. Its been a bit of a sad year for section D.
11) Harry and Ruth waking up together (not in a lockdown situation.)
Oooh forgot, Harry to have the top two buttons of his white shirt open all through the series. Angel

LOL ---- #7. I am an American and would be glad to be on the show and speak real "American English". #10 - agree with that.
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15-06-2010, 10:59 AM
Post: #83
RE: Wish List for Season 9
A lot of things that have already been mentioned I completely agree with.

- The development of Tariq as a character is a must. One episode should centre around him in some way. Maybe a storyline which makes him realise how serious his role in the team is?

- Two new agents to arrive and join the team. Not another two journalists who wanted a career change, but a woman and a man who have come out of training. I'd like the man to be the opposite of Lucas, maybe put his nose out of joint... similar to the brief Tom/Adam rivalry we seen at the beginning of Series 3. He should be a sensitive man, not your stereotypical tough male agent.. I'd like the new female agent to be bright and cheerful, but she can focus on the job at hand when needed.

- I'd like Lucas to still be an enigma to us, but for secrets from his past in Russia to slowly unravel. Some twists and turns regarding his character would be really nice, so we start seeing him from a different perspective - I don't want the writers to be lazy though and just make him a traitor as a twist to his character. I want them to be less obvious...

- Some more screentime for Harry and Ruth. Don't restrict them to just staying on the Grid. I don't want a romance to take over the series, so I don't know how they could carry on the Harry/Ruth story. Maybe have them go on a date and Harry to admit his feelings to Ruth, but they both agree they can't commit because of the pressures of their careers... it would give them a brief story where their relationship is moving forward, but carries on the will they? won't they? thing..

- More humour and one liners. I want different characters to interact with one another. Tariq/Ruth, Lucas/Ruth, Tariq/Harry... don't just make them interact if they are working on an operation together. Make them interact on the Grid generally. I want some unexpected interactions between different characters.

- Make the Grid more of a 'workplace' environment, give it more atmosphere.

- Give us some more undercover stories, where simple gadgets are used. Give us a Grid-centric episode where we see the team working together as a whole, to prevent a crisis e.g. 2.5, 4.10.
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15-06-2010, 11:02 AM (This post was last modified: 15-06-2010 11:06 AM by JHyde.)
Post: #84
RE: Wish List for Season 9
I agree with all of this wholeheartedly. I just hadn't taken the time to spell it out. Especially the bit about various dynamics - I especially want to see more of Lucas/Ruth.

What you said about Lucas is spot on and what I want to see too. Part of Lucas' draw card is his enigmatic qualities and that works well. I also agree that it would be a silly turnaround were he to be a traitor.

OK, not *quite* all of this. I want Harry and Ruth together, but in a very 'yes they're together, let's move on' kinda way. Just as background, B plot...whatever. We get them together and then it just becomes part of the framework of the show.

The only other bit I would add is more team scenes in the conference room. We all like those and it's usually a good opportunity for those one liners we all love so much.

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15-06-2010, 11:09 AM
Post: #85
RE: Wish List for Season 9
(15-06-2010 11:02 AM)JHyde Wrote:  The only other bit I would add is more team scenes in the conference room. We all like those and it's usually a good opportunity for those one liners we all love so much.

That's another good point. In the earlier series, the episode usually had the brief of the operation in the conference room. We definetly need these kind of scenes to return. It will allow all the characters to interact together. What I'd love to see is all the characters interrupting one another, it might be a small thing... but other programmes like Waking The Dead use this technique. When they are all talking together, they sometimes interrupt and talk over one another.. it gives the viewer the sense that they are intruding and eavesdropping on a serious case or operation...It's only a small thing, but Spooks should definetly adopt this to make it more realistic.
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18-06-2010, 11:23 AM
Post: #86
RE: Wish List for Season 9
Great ideas. And to sum up: More humanity on the grid, more interactions, more secrets, enigmas, twists, turns, competition, London, skip the stupid accents (give us a real native of that country), no obvious traitors and no plot lines that have been done before (excluding Lucas with his shirt off - sorry, just had to add that).
And yes, PLEASE develop the Harry and Ruth line. Give us ONE thing that the majority of us WANT.
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18-06-2010, 12:08 PM
Post: #87
RE: Wish List for Season 9
(18-06-2010 11:23 AM)BoHenley Wrote:  Great ideas. And to sum up: More humanity on the grid, more interactions, more secrets, enigmas, twists, turns, competition, London, skip the stupid accents (give us a real native of that country), no obvious traitors and no plot lines that have been done before (excluding Lucas with his shirt off - sorry, just had to add that).
And yes, PLEASE develop the Harry and Ruth line. Give us ONE thing that the majority of us WANT.

Ha ha, that made me laugh BoHenley. I'm certainly not against more Lucas shirt off scenes.

I hope they introduce any new characters properly and we get some background to them, quite quickly. After 8 episodes I think all we know of Tariq is that he rides a bike, and has a cousin in Pakistan. I know some people are afraid that any new characters will take screen time away from the old i.e. Harry/Ruth/Lucas but I think it will be worth it in the long run, spending some time on them, beding them in. For Spooks to survive into a tenth series, the new characters are going to be quite important to the show so I just hope Kudos does it properly and doesn't rush it.

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21-06-2010, 02:31 PM
Post: #88
RE: Wish List for Season 9
Quote: The development of Tariq as a character is a must.
Totally agree, I mean is logical, I imagine it is too for scriptwriters...

Quote: I don't want the writers to be lazy though and just make him a traitor as a twist to his character. I want them to be less obvious...
More humour and one liners
Yes please.

Quote:I want Harry and Ruth together, but in a very 'yes they're together, let's move on' kinda way...We get them together and then it just becomes part of the framework of the show.
Like this idea, script writers could develop it through the series and by ep 7 do the 'yes, they're together and set it as 'framework' for next season.

Quote:no obvious traitors and no plot lines that have been done before (excluding Lucas with his shirt off...)
Strongly agree, especially the last sentece Blush

LNF Smile
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21-06-2010, 06:51 PM
Post: #89
RE: Wish List for Season 9
(21-06-2010 02:31 PM)LucasNorthFan Wrote:  
Quote:I want Harry and Ruth together, but in a very 'yes they're together, let's move on' kinda way...We get them together and then it just becomes part of the framework of the show.
Like this idea, script writers could develop it through the series and by ep 7 do the 'yes, they're together and set it as 'framework' for next season.

Someone once suggested a small scene like the returning of cufflinks that Harry had left over at Ruth's that would suggest at their relationship having stepped up a bit.

I personally would like to see S9 start a fair while after S8 left of, maybe a period of several months or so. In the case of Harry and Ruth's relationship, this would have given them time for it to build up a bit, enough for it to be obvious, but it would be implied or suggested at (i.e. cufflinks) subtely, so it would remain a nice subplot to the show - which I think it always worked best as. As brilliant as the Harry/Ruth suspense is, I wouldn't want it to be so obvious that a) it takes the focus away from the events of the episode, b) they're both very private people so it wouldn't seem right for their relationship to be overtly public, and c) They don't unwind it too much but instead allow us fans to imagine Smile

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25-06-2010, 06:04 AM
Post: #90
RE: Wish List for Season 9
I could have sworn we had an actor wishlist, but I couldn't find it. Anyway. An actor I really like who's done the round of most big shows in the UK is Michael Feast and I always forget how much I like him until I see him in something. He has one of those faces full of character and plays cops and authority figures a lot with a great deal of intelligence. Less is more in being menacing.

Anyway, I could see him playing someone from Six or maybe even a politician. He played Enwright on Touching Evil so he's even been in a show that we know the Spooks people have watched.

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