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28-12-2009, 04:41 AM (This post was last modified: 28-12-2009 04:43 AM by JHyde.)
Post: #1
zzSmile Travel
I went looking for a thread on this subject and was stunned we hadn't made one already.

A few threads have started to trend toward discussion of travel, either already taken, or where we'd like to go, and I thought it would be nice to have a place to talk about it specifically.

Especially given we have people here from all over, we should take advantage of local knowledge. So if you're travelling somewhere soon and would like to know all the good places to go, post here and I'm sure someone has either been there or lived there and can help you out!

Given how many languages I've studied (not to mention history) and yet have never travelled outside of NSW (the Australian state I've grown up in), travelling is something I really want and almost need to do. I most want to visit Spain and India, also Turkey and Iran. My best friend may well be studying at Oxford as of next September, in which case I will visit England with her, and then maybe Wales, Ireland and Scotland too.

And I want to see the States properly. I'd really like to drive down from Alaska to California and see that part of the country that way then head off and visit other parts by train and air. There is American culture if you look hard enough, I know.

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28-12-2009, 08:35 AM
Post: #2
RE: Travel
OK here goes - I've lived in Scotland all of my life, born in Glasgow, grew up in Aberdeen and lived in Perth for the last 15 years. My grandmother is Norwegian so I've been there, my Mum is Canadian so I've had lots of holidays there too, East and West. Been to New York twice and I have to say that is my absolute favourite city. Been to Greece twice and it's lovely too (Kos and Corfu) and Lanzarote (not so nice apart from the camels) I've also lived in Blackpool and Taunton, been to London on numerous occasions, stopped briefly in Wales too. One place I'd love to visit is Dublin. We are going to Paris in April as my husband is running the Paris marathon. Big Grin

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28-12-2009, 11:40 AM
Post: #3
RE: Travel
I love travelling, though I don't do it as much as I wanted.

I'd love to go to India, Mexico, Berlin, Greece, NYC... Can I be your travel buddy on Alaska-California trip, JHyde? I'd also love to do that! Big Grin

Lanzarote is good to go to the beach and see the volcanos, but not much cultural attraction... And it's the same in Canary Islands...

As you know, I live in the North-west of Spain (Galicia) and the landscape is very similar to Ireland. I've been to Ireland twice (my cousin lives in Dublin), London, Italy (Milan, Rome, Venezia, Capri), Portugal: Porto, Lisboa...

I don't have any trip plans, but I want to come back to London Smile And take lots and lots of pictures of Spooks locations Tongue

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt"
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28-12-2009, 11:51 AM
Post: #4
RE: Travel
Oh yes, Spooks location spotting Smile The joys of living near London - I'm going to do a Maths course soon that's at Greenwich University, which was used in series 7 Big Grin

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28-12-2009, 12:41 PM
Post: #5
RE: Travel
Ooh, I love nothing more than traveling and have done quite a bit. I did a cycling tour in France, which was one of my most enjoyable holidays ever. I've also been to South America - Argentina, Equador, Peru, and did the week-long hike through the Andes to Machu Pichu and a trip to the Amazon. Well, you can't be a self-respecting greenie and not visit the Amazon! It was an amazing experience, I would recommend South America as a destination to everyone, it's cheap, beautiful and the people are wonderful.

Then I've been to Scotland, Ireland and England. I'm a bit of an Anglophile and just love the UK. I would go live there in a second. Scotland was probably most beautiful, but Ireland was wonderful. The Irish are the funniest people I've met!

Also been to Thailand, and many African destinations. Best of the African destinations have been Tanzania, where I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and visited the Serengeti and Ngorogoro Crater. Namibia is also quite nice to visit, as is Mozambique.

I live in South Africa, so can provide advice for anyone coming out for the World Cup next year.

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28-12-2009, 12:43 PM
Post: #6
RE: Travel
I've been lucky with travel; I live in the UK, but when I was doing my degree got to go on a field trip to the Amazon Basin in Columbia, then travelled to the coast of Columbia. Have also spent time doing research in Sierra Leone and Ghana. Have been going to meditation retreat place in India for the last 10ish years, but wasn't able to go this year. Have been so some places in Europe, but for work, so didnt see much of them. Would love to visit Canada and also New Zealand (love all the LOTR locations!)

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28-12-2009, 01:15 PM
Post: #7
RE: Travel
Good idea, JHyde...

I like to travel, but I have not travelled as much as I would like to.

Places I have visted include: London, Scotland, Barcelona and Ibiza, Spain, Athens, Florence, Rome, Amsterdam, Monte Carlo, Auckland, New Zealand (my brother lives there), Bali, Indonesia -- many times.

I would like to return to London and check out Spooks locations and revisit other places I loved, plus one of my closest friends who lives there these days, see more of Greece, Scotland and Spain, go to Russia, Turkey, Venice and Iceland.

If you want to know things about Bali, please ask, I may be able to help with some information.
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28-12-2009, 02:30 PM
Post: #8
RE: Travel
I really want to travel loads when I am older... At the moment I have never been out of Europe and that depresses me Sad The places I have been are Zante, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Germany and France but my parents have this thing where we now go on holidays in England which bores me!! My favourite country I have been to so far is Germany.. I went on an exchange trip to Mainz a few years ago and a school trip to Berlin in November. I think it is a really stunning place with friendly people and a fascinating history! In the summer I am hopefully going to stay with my exchange partner again and she is coming over so I can show her London Big Grin

TBH there are not many countries I don't want to visit. But atm the book I am reading has inspired me to want to go see the middle east. It just intrigues me. I also love archaeology also so it would be great to see all the sites before they are completely destroyed Undecided
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28-12-2009, 04:17 PM
Post: #9
RE: Travel
(28-12-2009 12:41 PM)Silktie Wrote:  I've also been to South America - Argentina, Equador, Peru, and did the week-long hike through the Andes to Machu Pichu and a trip to the Amazon. Well, you can't be a self-respecting greenie and not visit the Amazon! It was an amazing experience, I would recommend South America as a destination to everyone, it's cheap, beautiful and the people are wonderful.

I note down, that seems wonderful!

(28-12-2009 12:43 PM)Moonlight Wrote:  Have been going to meditation retreat place in India for the last 10ish years, but wasn't able to go this year. Have been so some places in Europe, but for work, so didnt see much of them. Would love to visit Canada and also New Zealand (love all the LOTR locations!)

I totally want to go to meditation retreat place in India, I heard there are some villages where you can stay and do some work, do yoga and travel.

I'd love to visit LOTR locations!!

And yes, YourFutureMuse, there aren't many countries I don't want to visit... Tongue

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt"
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28-12-2009, 07:32 PM
Post: #10
RE: Travel
I've only been outside the US twice and one of those times barely counts.

We went to Nevis for a vacation one year. It was wonderful. Nothing there to distract from enjoying life. Good (if expensive) food. It was actually hotter than Florida though. I wasn't sure that was possible. The best part, I'm afraid, was probably that my cell phone didn't work there.

The other time was coming back from Alaska, our cruise ship entered port in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and we had a connecting flight in Toronto. I have lots of nice things to say about Air Canada and parts of Vancouver are interesting. They have the highest populations of Chinese in North America. And apparently they have a nude bicycle race once a year. I'm thankful it wasn't the day we were there. We missed it by 3 days.

Always love your country, but never trust your government.
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