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13-04-2010, 11:15 AM
Post: #91
RE: Travel
Italy is a wonderful country to visit, I went there in 2004, visited Rome, Venezia, Capri, Florence..., it's amazingly beautiful; I'm looking forward to coming back, but I have more places to visit in my list before going there again...

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt"
Pactum serva
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13-04-2010, 11:29 AM
Post: #92
RE: Travel
Italy is indeed lovely, I went there a few years ago and did a bit of a tour of the north and stayed in beautiful locations.
Last summer I went to Thailand and stayed in Bangkok, Phuket, Phi Phi island and Elephant Hills resort (which is in the rainforest and I really recommend it)
I've been everywhere in Ireland as I used to live there and might go for summer work experience in Romania teaching drama.
Sounds strange but although I've been to these places I have no urge to travel, when my parents announced we were going to Thialand they were all excited but I wasn't at all although I loved the experience.
My mother is now trying to pursuade me to climb machu pichu (if that's how you spell it) with her

LUCAS:They told me I could come home if I spied for them
HARRY:What did you say?
LUCAS:I said yes
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17-04-2010, 09:17 PM
Post: #93
RE: Travel
I really hope that I am able to travel to London in May....Was really looking forward to possible Spooks filming around the city
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05-05-2010, 10:23 AM
Post: #94
RE: Travel
So I'm back from Marrakech (well, I was back 1 week ago). I loved it. I would recomend it Smile There are two main parts, the French part and the Medina. The French part is like a western country, and in the Medina you can hang around the narrow streets and walk trough the souks. Forget to take a map there, you'll get lost, but it is a pleasure, just enjoy it and you'll find hidden treasures Smile

We stayed in a riad which is a traditional Moroccan house or with an interior garden. They are really beautiful.

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt"
Pactum serva
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18-06-2010, 03:53 PM
Post: #95
RE: Travel
I can't believe my luck, july will be my best month in a long time, it may as well be in my life!!!

My friends and I are going to Berlin for 6 days, we found some cheap flight and there we go. I'm so excited because I always wanted to go Vueltasss Any advice? Places I shouldn't miss?

And previous to that, I'm going with my parents to Norway in an organised trip, 8 days. This was a surprise, when I told my parents I was going to Berlin they said that they had booked this trip some time ago but they wanted to surprise me, and of course they did! Still can't believe it.... Big Grin

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt"
Pactum serva
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18-06-2010, 07:42 PM
Post: #96
RE: Travel
I am so jealous of you! I love Berlin! I was supposed to be flying out there this summer to see a friend in Germany but she has to work and won't beable to make it until october by which time I will most likely start uni Sad

When I went it was with a history school trip so we went to a lot of tedious museums etc but one of the things I liked best there was going to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp but I think that was because it was snowing when I went Big Grin (And you probably don't have such morbid tastes Tongue) and of course the Reichstag is a must go to! And Checkpoint Charlie and the Holocaust memorial and the shopping was amazing there too, lots of department stores and there was a really big chocolate shop I loved but i forget the name Tongue ! (although I was annoyed because I bought loads of things from h&m and turns out they had them all in the Derby store :/). Thats all I can think from the top of my head but there is so much more! I am so jealous Tongue
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20-06-2010, 04:49 PM
Post: #97
RE: Travel
Thanks for that YFM! Noted! I'd like to visit a Concentration Camp, I know that is going to upset me, but I think it's a must, feel the history...

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt"
Pactum serva
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20-06-2010, 08:33 PM
Post: #98
RE: Travel
I really must get around to visiting Dachau. My father was in Dachau and I even have a scanned extract of his entry in the Nazi's ledger. A friend of mine has visited the city of Dachau several times and says it is beautiful, but tourists often miss out on it because they only go to the camp. As it's a short flight to Munich, I really have no excuse...

"Where's Harry?"
"Moving in mysterious ways."
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18-07-2010, 05:22 PM
Post: #99
RE: Travel
A few days ago in History we were doing mini projects on Russia in the late 1980's and brought up the idea of going to Russia
Our teacher said that it would be expensive and she's always wanted to run the trip but it was never feasible
However the next lesson she had announced she had pencilled into the diary and that if we wanted we could go during the Easter Holidays
Sooooo Excited (me and my friend immediately hoped filming may pick up again in Russia)

LUCAS:They told me I could come home if I spied for them
HARRY:What did you say?
LUCAS:I said yes
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18-07-2010, 07:39 PM
Post: #100
RE: Travel
I went to Russia when it was still the Soviet Union and St P'burg was still Leningrad. It was November and extremely cold. There was some culture shock but Russians are not much different from Brits - they have a great (dry) sense of humour. The food was lousy though and there wasn't much to spend money on. I came back after a week with a real need for some retail therapy!

I went to the US a couple of months later and that was a much, much bigger culture shock!

My kind mother is sending me some money to put towards a holiday, in October. We're going to rent an apartment just north of Perpignan, so that we can explore parts of southern France, as well as pop over to Spain and visit the Dali museum (again) in Figueres. I need to brush up on my French!

"Where's Harry?"
"Moving in mysterious ways."
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