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New Doctor Who Discussion
14-06-2010, 01:44 PM
Post: #101
RE: New Doctor Who Discussion
I think the storyline with the 'crack' is a bit too obvious. At least with the 'bad wolf' plot you had to look for it, the crack gets it's own scene !
I thought perception filters make someone not see something, not see a second floor instead of a space ship, that's more like a cloaking device Smile
This episode was fun, but weak.

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14-06-2010, 02:16 PM
Post: #102
RE: New Doctor Who Discussion
Yeh, they changed how a perception filter works to fit in with the story, which really annoys me.

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15-06-2010, 01:32 PM
Post: #103
RE: New Doctor Who Discussion
I wasn't a fan of this episode. I liked the bit with the Doctor leaving his keys, though. But I was mostly bored.

I'm hoping the pay off for the crack is good. I have faith that it will be.

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15-06-2010, 04:14 PM
Post: #104
RE: New Doctor Who Discussion
I'm afraid I don't share your faith JHyde. I deeply fear that it will be another cross-universe storyline.. I wonder where we've had that before? *rolls eyes*

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15-06-2010, 04:52 PM
Post: #105
RE: New Doctor Who Discussion
Really? That wasn't what I was thinking at all.

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16-06-2010, 01:48 PM
Post: #106
RE: New Doctor Who Discussion
I was thinking it is another cross-universe thing again. In episode one didn't that prisoner come from another universe and passed through the crack ?

Lucas 8.4: It's all about trust, isn't Harry ?.
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16-06-2010, 10:44 PM
Post: #107
RE: New Doctor Who Discussion
I really really want to know what is up with the whole
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crack in the wall
story arc.

I'm sure all will be revealed in ep13 (speaking of which (and sorry if this has been mentioned before), that's to be aired in the UK on the 26th June 2010.... - ring any bells????) Big Grin

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19-06-2010, 06:58 PM
Post: #108
RE: New Doctor Who Discussion
Wow, is how I am describing tonights episode of DW, The Pandorica Opens. Loved the beginning with all the previous guest stars in this series. All the Doctors enemies united in the sole purpose of saving the universe from him was just awesome. Poor Amy and Rory, so heartbreaking that he kept telling her to run. Loved Alex Kingston as River Song, her Cleopatra was LOL. Brilliant special effects (you can tell what they were saving their money for). My favourite part was the Doctor facing down the alien armada with just his radio. Brilliant. Now going to watch the episode again on iplayer in case I missed something Smile

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19-06-2010, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: 19-06-2010 08:54 PM by Nia M.)
Post: #109
RE: New Doctor Who Discussion
Favourite episode of this series so far Big Grin (And that's even with the whole 'Let's make the ending even bigger and better and over-do is completely' alliance-thing - I'm really not a fan of making things huge just for the sake of making things bigger :/)

Loved Rory's return (and the Doctor's very delayed reaction - and then prodding Tongue)

Have never been a very big fan of River if I'm honest, but I did love her here Big Grin

Was really good to have all the returning characters - Liz 10, RS, Rory Heart (although that ending!!!!!!!), Vincent, Churchill etc Tongue

Am slightly concerned about how the Doctor's going to get out of this mess this time, but he's a genius, so he'll figure something out Tongue
And I agree Aria - the special effects certainly were the cherry on the top Big Grin

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19-06-2010, 10:49 PM
Post: #110
RE: New Doctor Who Discussion
aawwwh rats, I shouldn't have read this thread. Now I have to watch 5.12. Had it recorded and planned to watch it together with 5.13 .. hate cliffhangers.
Just as well, needed a break from football anyway Wink

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